Solutions News Welcomes Jon Aimonetti, Executive Director of Fairview Gardens
On this episode of Solutions News, we interview Jon Aimonetti, Executive Director of Fairview Urban Gardens in Goleta, California. The new nonprofit director left the corporate world of banking in when an opportunity to lead and inspire with the farm opened up in 2019. Fairview Gardens, founded in 1895, provides education to students and community members of all levels. Jon’s financial background has given him a different perspective and he is using his entrepreneurial spirit to revitalize the farm. The main goal of the sustainable farm is to create a future generation that can source healthy, wholesome food with a pleasant connection to the natural world.
Solutions News with Rinaldo Brutoco is a weekly radio show and podcast produced by Kristy Jansen and the World Business Academy. Guided by the motto that there are more solutions in the world than problems, Solutions News seeks to educate, inform and inspire its audience.