Disquantified: Higher Education in the Age of Metrics
May 16-17, 2019
Loma Pelona Center and the UCen (Harbor Room)
Metrics are transforming higher education. The Disquantified conference explores how they are changing teaching, research, and governance in universities. Our questions include:
How are citation analytics affecting the direction of academic research and publishing?
Are wage data influencing how students choose majors?
Are faculty teaching differently as assessment becomes learning analytics?
Have performance indicators changed public funding and oversight?
Given these trends, how might faculty, students, and staff respond?
Please join us as we host an interdisciplinary cast of scholars for lively discussion about how we can use (and when we should reject) higher education metrics. Our goal is to make the university a more exciting, energizing, and equitable place. Faculty, students, and staff members from all disciplines are welcome.
For the full program and more information, visit www.disquantified.org.
Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, National Endowment for the Humanities, Chicano Studies Institute, Office of the Chancellor, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, Office of Research, Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, College of Letters and Science, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Department of English