KIKI (Film Screening)
In New York City, LGBTQ youth-of-color gather out on the Christopher Street Pier, practicing a performance-based artform, Ballroom. This form of expression was made famous in the early 1990s by Madonna’s music video “Vogue” and the documentary “Paris Is Burning.” Twenty-five years after these cultural touchstones, a new and very different generation of LGBTQ youth have formed an artistic activist subculture, named the Kiki Scene. KIKI follows seven characters from the Kiki community over the course of four years, using their preparations and spectacular performances at events known as Kiki balls as a framing device while delving into their battles with homelessness, illness, and prejudice, as well as their gains towards political influence and the conquering of affirming gender-expressions. Post-film discussion, in collaboration with the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, to follow. 1h 36m