How to use data and analytics to create a successful social media strategy
Led by Henry Rosas, founder, and principal of Common Thread Digital, the December BizArts workshop will present what it takes to create a strategy to make social media sites a powerful marketing tool.
Henry will give us tools to create a social media committee or go it alone, defining goals, measurement spreadsheets and guidelines of what to post, knowing your supporters and building a relationship with them, effectively monitoring different sites, creating content and utilizing visuals, measuring and improving your time strategy, and celebrating and thanking your online audience. With almost 20 years of experience in the advertising technology and digital marketing space, Henry Rosas has been professionally engaged in social media for the last seven years. His company, Common Thread Digital, is a social media and digital marketing agency based in Santa Barbara. He helps clients uncover, create, and amplify their brand stories, drive business results, capitalize on their PR efforts. His client portfolio includes venture capital firms, real estate companies, design houses, non-profits, hospitality, finance, and art.
Pre-registration is Required
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 5-7:30pm
Planning Commission Hearing Room
105 E. Anapamu St. 1st Floor Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Suggested Donation $20
Sliding Scale Available
Registration Required ~ 805.565.1332 ~