YouthWell Invites Santa Barbara County High School Students to Join Their Youth Advisory Board Internship Program

By YouthWell

YouthWell, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to mental health awareness and advocacy, is excited to open up applications for their Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Internship for the 2024-2025 school year. This program offers a unique opportunity for 9th-12th grade high school students anywhere in Santa Barbara County to engage in mental health education, leadership development, and community advocacy.

The YAB Program aims to empower young individuals to make a positive impact on mental health awareness in their communities. Through curriculum and hands-on experience, participants will:

-Gain insights into current mental health issues and learn how to recognize warning signs of mental health challenges.

-Receive mental health education training in order to effectively support peers in need.

-Develop leadership skills through team-building exercises, program planning, public speaking, and group decision-making.

-Collaborate with peers to design and implement campus campaigns that raise awareness of mental health and available community resources.

The YAB program spans 10 months from August 2024 to May 2025, with a mandatory orientation session in May 2024. Participants are expected to commit 8-10 hours per month, which includes local cohort meetings, countywide meetings, and time implementing advocacy campaigns on their campus. Interns will have the opportunity to gather with their peers from across the county for in-person retreats, and to help plan and host the annual Student Advocacy & Mental Wellness Summit.

“YAB was a really enjoyable experience with everyone trying to help with mental health issues. I liked meeting in person with everyone. I also liked how the students suggested things and the adults listened to our opinions.” -Santa Maria YAB Member

“I learned a lot about how to help myself as well as others struggling with a mental health challenge; whether that’s the right way to ask a question, or becoming Mental Health First Aid certified. I enjoyed planning and attending the Student Summit!”  -Santa Barbara YAB Member

Applicants should apply by May 1st through the YouthWell website at For inquiries or more information, please contact

_An Edhat Reader

Written by _An Edhat Reader

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