The Farmacy of SB Dedicates $6.5K to Freedom Warming Centers

Source: Farmacy

Temperatures have fallen to dangerous levels for local homeless populations in late January and early February, putting the most vulnerable among us at risk of sickness and even death from exposure. Freedom Warming Centers of Santa Barbara County serve a critical role in sheltering homeless individuals when weather conditions imperil lives.

In identifying this important community need, The Farmacy of Santa Barbara launched a give-back program through which it redirected 5 percent of select sales to Freedom Warming Centers. The program generated $6,500 to support the shelters that house thousands of individuals throughout the region during inclement weather.

“I consider this historic. The legal cannabis industry, and those who participate in it, showed we are exactly where we need to be, in a position to give back to our communities,” said Graham Farrar, owner of The Farmacy of Santa Barbara. “A big reason voters ended prohibition was the public benefit of bringing a whole new industry into legitimacy, into a place where taxes are collected and success can be a shared public benefit. We will continue our give-back programs because our customers ask for it and local brands are committed to improving our communities.”

Freedom Warming Centers open when the forecast during winter months calls for rain or when temperatures fall below 35 degrees. Centers open throughout the county and house hundreds per night, on average 80 individuals in the City of Santa Barbara. Warming centers also open in Carpinteria, Goleta, Lompoc and Santa Maria.

“This partnership means so much to the people we are able to serve. Funds go directly to blankets, dry socks, meals and materials we need to protect those who are most vulnerable,” said Kathy Hayes, Director of Freedom Warming Centers. “We were heartened earlier this winter when so many stepped up to fund our Warm-Up $30,000 fundraising campaign and that those who were inspired continue to provide for our programs and to save lives.”

$6.5K in Funding Covers 300 Individual Overnight Stays

  • Overnight Staffing – 1 Staff member per 12 guests

  • Supplies – Blankets, Mats, Cleaning Supplies, Laundry, Administration

  • Meals – A hot nutritious dinner, breakfast, coffee, fruit and pastries

The Farmacy’s give-back program was done in partnership with CARP Growers member farms, a group of Carpinteria Valley farms dedicated to community giving and responsible farming practices. Pacific Stone Brand, Josh D Farms, Autumn Brands, Headwaters, Cresco Cannabis and Glass House Farms products were part of the program in which 5 percent of all sales for the month of December were collected and redistributed to Freedom Warming Centers. Customers saw this added value and both invested in the local products and the local cause.

“First and foremost, we are local people who live and work locally. So of course using our platform to identify areas of need and doing what we can is a huge priority,” Farrar said. “Beyond that we are thrilled to be open and honest about cannabis use. I think this is a testament to who our farmers and customers are as people. Our society and communities have turned a corner on attitudes toward cannabis, and that’s reflected in this program and is a huge social benefit all on its own.”

Farrar also owns Glass House Farms in Carpinteria and is President of CARP Growers, the local farmers group officially known as Cannabis Association for Responsible Producers. Members are required to follow strict environmental practices in compliance with all state and local regulations and to lead by example among cannabis farmers, not just locally but throughout the state.


Freedom Warming Centers – The Freedom Warming Centers is a program of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara dedicated to sheltering those in need. Learn how to contribute to Freedom Warming Centers at

The Farmacy of Santa Barbara – Located at 128 W. Mission Street, The Farmacy offers quality cannabis products curated from the top brands in the state with a focus on local values. Delivery is also available.

CARP Growers — Cannabis Association for Responsible Producers is dedicated to fostering positive relationships, setting best farming practices, protecting the environment and supporting community causes.


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