Martha Rogers has been installed as the 2021-22 president of Assistance League of Santa
Barbara (ALSB). As a member of the organization for twelve years, she has twice served as
chair of the Corner Shop and chair of Friendship Lunch philanthropy. She has held the position
of thrift shop coordinator, and participated on the nominating committee. Ms. Rogers was
transferred to Santa Barbara by Santa Barbara Bank and Trust from Los Angeles in 2003. She
has been involved with the CALM Auxiliary for 18 years and also is a member of Women’s
Fund of Santa Barbara. As president of ALSB she will preside at meetings of the board and
membership, sign legal documents, be an ex officio member of committees, present an annual
report of committee activities to the membership, and serve as a liaison for the annual meetings
of the national chapter.
Ms. Rogers heads the board of directors which includes Sue Kremser, president-elect, Julie
Boller, vice president of membership, Kay Caldeira, vice president of philanthropic programs,
Toni Holdren, vice president of resource development, Nancy Falberg, recording secretary,
Ammon Hoenigman, corresponding secretary, and Mary Lopez, chief financial officer.
Additional members of the board include Evelynn Smith as education chair, Carole Ruppel as
new member training chair, Marlene Carlyle as public relations chair, Charlene Heinz as
strategic planning chair, Mary Arnhoult as Las Aletas auxiliary representative, and Sally
Matthews as parliamentarian.
“Our theme this year is ‘Looking Forward,’” Ms. Rogers said. “We look forward to returning our
thrift shop to its former glory so that it can again support our 16 philanthropic programs that are
so vital to the Santa Barbara Community.”
The Assistance League of Santa Barbara is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization that develops
and implements programs to benefit residents of Santa Barbara County. Their Assistance
League Thrift Shop, located at 1259 Veronica Springs Road, raises funds to support their various
philanthropic programs.