R.W. ‘Hap’ Ziegler Jr. appointed commissioner of Santa Barbara county’s Civil Service Commission

Local business consultant and attorney R.W. “Hap” Ziegler has been named chair of the County of Santa Barbara’s Civil Service Commission.

Established by voter referendum in 1971, the commission oversees the county’s relationship with its employees and ensures that hiring occurs through a merit-based and competitive process. The commission is charged with making sure the county handles employee matters according to established civil service rules about recruitment, appointment, compensation, probationary periods, layoffs, disciplinary actions and complaint procedures.

As one of five board members, Ziegler chairs the monthly meetings to discuss employee relations, conduct investigations concerning personnel or conditions of employment, assist with hearings on appeals of disciplinary actions, and serve as an advisor to the Board of Supervisors.
Commissioners on the County of Santa Barbara’s Civil Service Commission serve four years and must be registered voters in the county.

Ziegler is Chief Operating Officer for Mesa Consulting, LLC., a Santa Barbara-based firm that helps businesses of all sizes, professional service organizations, and non-profit entities maximize success. As a consultant, Ziegler works with organizations from all over the world to develop strategic visions; launch or upgrade business, sales and marketing plans; create a thriving company culture; find and implement technology solutions; and plan for succession and transition.

A graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, where he majored in mathematics, Ziegler also holds a law degree from Duquesne University School of Law. As an attorney, he has tried more than 1,000 cases, and has been a member of the American Bar Association, the American Arbitration Association and the American Management Association.

Active in the Santa Barbara community, Ziegler is also on the board of directors of the Santa Barbara Executive Roundtable (SABER), on the management board of the Santa Barbara YMCA, and supports Surgical Eye Expeditions International (SEE) and the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation.

For more information about Mesa Consulting, LLC. Or to contact R.W. ‘Hap’ Ziegler Jr., call (805) 965-0109, or email rwz@zri.com

The County of Santa Barbara Civil Service Commission meets the third Thursday of each month. For more information visit https://www.countyofsb.org/hr/employee-relations/sbc-civil-service-commission.sbc


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