Quinn Fiduciary Services has Been Purchased by Tamara Skov and Shannon Dalton

Tamara Skov and Shannon Dalton new owners of Quinn Fiduciary Services. (Courtesy)

By Quinn Fiduciary Services

Quinn Fiduciary Services, a local professional fiduciary firm, has been purchased by Tamara Skov and Shannon Dalton.

Jackie Quinn, the founder of Quinn Fiduciary Services (QFS), remains involved with the firm to ensure a seamless transition over the next several months. Skov and Dalton, both licensed professional fiduciaries, have been with QFS for several years and the rest of the team will remain the same.

Quinn Fiduciary Services specializes in estate management serving as Trustees, Successor Trustees, Conservators, and Agents under financial and healthcare Powers of Attorney. They  administer all types of trusts including special needs trusts. Additionally, QFS is able to help clients with bill paying, care management, and other critical services, as needed.

Dalton became a licensed professional fiduciary in 2020 and holds two bachelor’s degrees from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from the George Washington School of Business. Shannon previously ran her own insurance company while working as a licensed health and life insurance agent for Aflac. She currently serves on the board of SABER (Santa Barbara Executive Roundtable) and is an associate member of the Santa Barbara Estate Planning Council.

Skov joined Quinn Fiduciary Services as a licensed professional fiduciary in 2022 following an extensive career in health care and non-profit management. She’s held numerous high-ranking positions at area organizations, including serving as executive director of the Santa Barbara-based VNA Health Foundation, director of development of Sansum Clinic, and director of contributor services for the United Way of Santa Barbara County. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of California, Davis. She also serves on the Planned Giving Council of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

QFS, founded in 2015, is the largest professional fiduciary firm in the area with four licensed staff assuring that QFS will be available to serve clients well into the future. With an active client list of more than 80 individuals and couples, QFS manages more than one hundred million dollars in client assets. Additionally, more than 100 individuals and couples have named QFS in their estate plans to serve in the future when needed.

– Quinn Fiduciary Services is located at 601 E. Arrellaga St., Ste. 102, Santa Barbara. For more information visit www.quinnfiduciaryservices.com or call 805-845-5664.

Edhat Reader

Written by Edhat Reader

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