Pro Band Sports Industries sponsors NFL Alumni Association of Southern California Golf Tournament to benefit At-Risk Youth

Pro Band Sports Industries of Santa Barbara, in conjunction with the NFL Alumni Association of Southern California, is proud to announce our sponsorship and participation in its annual golf tournament – the Battle of the Greens Golf Classic. This event supports the education and life skills programs Shelter 37 offers to underserve youth throughout Southern California.

“Pro Band is excited to partner with SHELTER 37 to support at-risk children and young adults to help provide them with the resources and services that have proven to make a positive impact in their lives,” said Justin Fareed, CEO of Pro Band Sports Industries. “A percentage of our sales is going towards this cause and our team is proud to participate in this event.”

SHELTER 37, seeks to improve the overall wellbeing of children and young adults whose lives have been affected or disrupted by crime, violence, or abandonment and as a result, are more at-risk of turning to gangs, crime, drugs, or becoming withdrawn, antisocial, or socially inept. SHELTER 37, was founded by James Washington, former NFL Player, in 1993 as a not-for-profit public benefit corporation that provides highly effective life skills, job training and educational programs to youth in southern California.

For nearly 30 years, Pro Band Sports Industries, Inc. has been the industry leader in the manufacture and distribution of innovative products which are designed to assist in the relief of pain and prevent Repetitive Stress Injuries. Developed by world renowned Orthopedic Surgeon and Sports Medicine Doctor, their products include: the popular BandIT® and BandIT XM® for the forearm which have helped tens of thousands of people suffering from Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), Golfers Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis), and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; their KneedIT® and KneedIT XM® for knee pain relief from chondromalacia, Runners Knee, Jumpers Knee and Osteoarthritis which affect millions of people worldwide; and the Ankle BandIT that assists in relief for people with Chronic Ankle Sprains, Tendinitis, Arthritis, Bursitis.

For more information, visit


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