NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary is seeking applications to join the Sanctuary Advisory Council

Dear stakeholders and constituents of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary,

We are currently seeking applications for six (6) seats on the Sanctuary Advisory Council:
Public At-Large (one alternate position)
Recreational Fishing (member and alternate)
Education (alternate)
Chumash Community (member and alternate)
Conservation (member)
Tourism (member)

Candidates will be selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat(s) for which they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection and management of sanctuary resources. Selected applicants should expect to serve as a volunteer for a two-year term. *Note that applications are due by January 31st, 2020.

More information, including downloadable applications, can be found on the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary website:

Thank you for your vested interest in YOUR national marine sanctuary.


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