Museum of Natural History in Final Stretch of Centennial Campaign

Museum of Natural History in Final Stretch of Centennial Campaign, Only $425,000 left to raise to support exceptional campus-wide improvements

The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History is in the final stages of its Centennial Campaign to support an ambitious campus-wide improvement project. The plan creates exciting new galleries while refurbishing existing ones, improves accessibility for paths and walkways, and ultimately strengthens the link between the indoor exhibits and the natural outdoors. Launched in September 2017 and slated to finish in summer 2018, the improvements will set the stage for new and strengthened programming to connect the stories the Museum tells through its exhibits with authentic experiences in nature. All Museum patrons, and especially children, will find their experience vastly improved with more interactive, hands-on, and engaging spaces.

The Museum has received a Challenge Grant from generous supporters to raise $10 million in order to receive a gift of $5 million. With only $425,000 left to raise, the Museum has nearly reached its Centennial Campaign goal of $18.5 million. Hard at work to raise the remaining funds, the Museum is reaching out to everyone who might have a possible interest in helping meet this challenge. A variety of naming opportunities are available and listed on the Centennial Campaign website (

“For 101 years, the Museum has been Santa Barbara’s backyard,” said President & CEO, Luke J. Swetland. “We invite you to invest in the place where you grew up. Welcome home!”
Since 1916, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History has touched generation after generation living on the Central Coast by offering a trusted source of information and inspiration about nature, and our place in it. For information about contributing to this important vision, please feel free to contact President & CEO Luke J. Swetland at 805-682-4711 ext. 102 or


About the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Founded in 1916, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History strives to instill a passion for learning and discovery among its patrons. The Museum aims to build relationships with the Santa Barbara community as well as encourage members and all visitors to seek a better understanding of the world around them.


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