Local counselor, trainer, and civic leader Michele Jackman MSW, MA was recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Legion Auxiliary’s 74thGirls’ State Youth in Government program at held at Claremont Colleges. In addition, Jackman delivered the conference’s keynote address to over 500 girls nominated for the Girls’ State Youth in Government program from California’s high schools. The program emphasizes and encourages active involvement in government processes and community.
Representing her own high school in 1961, Jackman herself attended the program in Sacramento where she was elected State Governor. Later that year, she was sent as the California representative for Girls’ Nation in Washington DC where she met the newly elected U.S. President John F. Kennedy. She has been actively involved in various roles and support for this organization for over 50 years.
Jackman has owned her own consulting business in Santa Barbara since 1980. She has facilitated strategic planning for many local nonprofit organizations and government entities, as well as for corporations mostly in the Silicon Valley, including Apple, HP, and Cisco. She continues to teach at UCSB, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Davis Extension.
Jackman is co- author of the book Star Teams: Key Players, a Fortune Book Club selection in 1991. She has been listed in Who’s Who in Business and Finance for many years. She is an adjunct faculty to many corporate and governmental learning centers and is a longtime member of the Santa Barbara Associates, a Santa Barbara networking group of women in top-level professional or entrepreneurial positions that was established in 1981.