Local Author Announces Newest Novel

By Eyes on Worldwide

AMERICAN NONSENSICAL: A Farce, Both Tragic and True
A Detective Tale in the Era of Trump

The newest offering from Edward D. Webster, American Nonsensical, is a capricious tale that approaches tragedy with whimsy. Available in hard copy and on digital platforms for purchase on October 1, American Nonsensical finds the horrifying humor in a chaotic world filled with kidnapping, conspiracy theories, politics, Trump worshipers, Covid-19 and religious charlatans.

If you’re astounded by claims of pedophiles running the government, the thought of microchips doing the backstroke in vaccines, and the belief that the earth is truly flat, wait till you meet Stan and Bud. The two detectives argue over everything crazy or sane, while trying to solve multiple missing persons cases that span two decades. Along the way they encounter Covid-19, preachers claiming holy healing magic, a man who channels his deceased canine, a brush with January 6 madness and a body or two residing at the bottom of a mine pit in Navajo country, New Mexico. And, despite the chaos, a sweet romance.

American Nonsensical crosses new lines, with a pair of charlatan preachers, multiple missing persons, a body (dead or alive?) in an old mining pit and two detectives seeking to solve the cases while arguing over Donald Trump and conspiracy theories. Webster delves into the nature of truth, religion and sanity in an America churning with unprecedented tension.

To purchase, visit https://www.edwardwebster.com/ or Amazon Kindle
Kindle – Available October 1, 2022 – $4.99
Hardback – Available Oct. 15, 2022 – $24.95
Paperback – Available Oct. 1, 2022 – $14.95

Southern California author Edward D. Webster’s credits include writings as eclectic and diverse as his storied life. His acclaimed memoir, A Year of Sundays (Taking the Plunge and our Cat to Explore Europe) shares the eccentric tale of his months-long adventure in Europe with his spirited, blind wife, Marguerite and headstrong, deaf, geriatric cat, Felicia. His historical novel, Soul of Toledo, centers around a murderous pogrom in an anti-semitic Spain in the 1440s, thirty years before the Inquisition. The Gentle Bomber’s Melody is the madcap adventure of fugitives on the run. Webster’s fourth offering, Carlos Crosses the Line, explores 1960s California and the resulting immigration quagmire, questioning the borders drawn between people, countries, values, and cultures. His writing has been honored by groups ranging from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association and Midwest Book Review to the Boomer Times.


Contact Information
Publicist: Eyes on Worldwide
Author Website: www.edwardwebster.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edwebauthor
Twitter: @TheEdWebster
Instagram: TheEdWebster


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