Keith Berry Named Top Broker for Coldwell Banker Realty

Keith Berry ranks in Coldwell Banker Top 100 Individuals for the Greater Los Angeles Area, which encompasses Santa Barbara County. Rankings are for January 1 through November 30, 2020, based on closed adjusted gross commission income.

Berry was also named one of Coldwell Banker Realty’s top 1,000 producers for California. The third quarter ranking reflects dollar volumes of sales transactions Berry completed for residential properties priced from approximately $600,000 to more than $8 million.

“We are gratified to earn this recognition in such competitive markets,” said Berry.  “We look forward to serving new and return clients in the New Year!”

Berry began his career in the real estate industry with Security Title Insurance Company in 1964, and in 1970, earned his credentials as a Real Estate Agent. Since 1970, Berry has been a Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker, handling properties for home buyers and sellers in Carpinteria, Montecito, Santa Barbara, Hope Ranch and Goleta, and throughout Santa Barbara County. He additionally facilitates home searches and acquisitions for clients seeking a move to Santa Barbara from Los Angeles, San Francisco and other major metro markets.

Berry is also dedicated to philanthropic and civic outreach in his native Santa Barbara. In November, he was a featured speaker for the Santa Barbara Executive Roundtable (SABER) webinar addressing the pandemic and economic recovery. His professional designations include: CRB/Certified Real Estate Broker; CRS/Certified Residential Specialist; GRI/Graduate Realtors Institute; and ABR/Accredited Buyers Representative. Also see


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