Join RRP’s X-Out Cancer Campaign This February!

RUNX1 Research Program Launches
X-Out Cancer Challenge Campaign on Fifth Anniversary

This February, RUNX1 Research Program (RRP), an advocacy and research 501(c)(3) foundation committed to improving the quality of life and preventing cancer in patients with the inherited blood cancer predisposition, RUNX1-FPD, is launching the X-Out Cancer Challenge Campaign. On the occasion of the foundation’s fifth birthday, the Challenge aims to increase awareness of inherited blood cancers, draw attention to RRP’s cancer prevention focus and to encourage participants to help meet their health goals while helping to raise funds for programs and research.

Many cancers have an environmental component, and it is well-established that moving more, eating healthier foods and living lower-stress lives contribute to better health outcomes. Regrettably, the pandemic has sidelined many health and wellness habits, and caused a slump in attention and funding towards cancer research. The X-Out Campaign tackles both issues by affording individuals a way to do something positive for themselves while contributing to vital cancer prevention research.

Participants who join the Challenge pledge to “X-Out” a bad habit (tobacco, sodas, packaged foods, social media, alcohol, inactivity…) for the entire month of February, and then share their Challenge page online. One can re-allocate the money that would have been spent on that habit, or friends and family can donate to support the campaign.

Individuals with RUNX1 Familial Platelet Disorder (RUNX1-FPD) are 30 times more likely to develop blood cancer than the general population, and often suffer from other disease-related side effects prior to cancer development. Currently, no cure exists. Since 2016, RRP has funded over $7mil in grants, creating an exciting stir in the cancer research space. Since accessing blood is relatively easy when compared to other tissues like breast, prostate or lung, studying blood cancer predispositions offers a window into how a pre-cancerous cell converts to a cancerous cell and begins to multiply. This visibility into how cancer starts holds the promise of discovering medicines that could prevent cancer from ever forming, broadly impacting cancer prevention strategies for all in the future.

To join or contribute to the X-Out Challenge visit
To learn more about RRP and RUNX1-FPD, visit



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