Goleta City Council Thanks Outgoing Assistant City Manager

Kristy Schmidt receiving her City Tile from Mayor Paula Perotte at the December 19, 2023, City Council meeting. (Courtesy)

City Tile Presented to Kristy Schmidt

The Goleta City Council wrapped up its last meeting of the year last night, December 19, 2023, with a special recognition. Outgoing Assistant City Manager Kristine “Kristy” Schmidt was presented with a City Tile in appreciation of her dedication, professionalism, and commitment to the City of Goleta during her nearly five years of service. Before she leaves on December 30th to take on the next stage of her career as the Human Resources Director for the County of Santa Barbara, the Council took the opportunity to thank her for the impactful mark she left during her time in this critical leadership position for the City.

The Council praised Ms. Schmidt for her “can-do” spirit, enthusiasm, cheerfulness and integrity. Mayor Paula Perotte said, “You always make yourself available and you are so kind and professional. We wish you well and will miss you.”

Upon receiving her City Tile Ms. Schmidt said, “It has been an enormous honor to serve as the Assistant City Manager for the City of Goleta. I have been so lucky to work for two incredible City Managers and with a management team and staff that is dedicated, energized and high performing throughout the organization.” She also addressed and thanked the City Council and said, “I am so impressed with how you bring your attention, intelligence and heart to everything that affects this City. I look forward to seeing what you do next and watching Goleta thrive.”

View the tile presentation on the City website at http://tinyurl.com/36cpx36u (item C.1).

While her list of accomplishments is lengthy, Kristy served the City during a pivotal time in its history. She helped guide City operations through the COVID-19 pandemic and helped replace and transition to a new City Manager, Robert Nisbet, when Michelle Greene retired.

City Manager Robert Nisbet said, “Kristy’s impact on Goleta will be felt for years to come. She chose public service as her life’s work because of the positive impact you can make. It has been refreshing and an honor to work alongside her.”

Prior to working for the City of Goleta, Ms. Schmidt spent 22 years at the City of Santa Barbara. She began as an Administrative Analyst, became Employee Relations Manager and then Director of Administrative Services. She also spent time in human resources and employee relations. Kristy has a Juris Doctorate from the Santa Barbara College of Law and an undergraduate degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

She will begin a new job with the County on January 2, 2024.

Kristy, we are so grateful for all you have done for the City and know you will continue to have a positive impact in this next chapter of your career.

Recruitment is underway for a new Assistant City Manager. Applications are being accepted until January 8th. To apply, go to www.governmentjobs.com/careers/goletaca.


Written by CityofGoleta

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