Friendship Center Welcomes New and Returning Board Members FY2020-2021

Source: Friendship Center

Friendship Center is pleased to welcome Joe Wheatley, Cynder Sinclair, Jacqueline Duran, and Monica Vidger-Trent to its Board of Directors. ”We have an amazing Board of Directors at Friendship Center,” said Heidi Holly, Executive Director. “And I am thrilled to welcome these four talented individuals whose unique backgrounds and diverse experience make them great assets to the entire organization.”

Joe Wheatley takes the new title of Friendship Center Board President after serving as a board member for the past four years. Joe possesses many amazing qualities that a good leader has, as well as an impressive career background in the field of helping others. He has held many prominent and caring jobs throughout his lifetime, such as a long-term care ombudsman for the Santa Barbara region, and a geriatric care manager with Senior Planning Services. Joe has served on the Alzheimer Association board, and he volunteers as a support group facilitator. He is a member of the Bioethics Committee at Cottage Hospital, and spends time at the Sansum Clinic and Alliance for Living and Dying Well as a trainer and teacher of Five Wishes.

Cynder Sinclair joins the Friendship Center’s Board of Directors this year. Cynder is the Founder of Lead Consultant for Nonprofit Kinect, providing consulting services for nonprofits in the areas of board leadership, fund development, and capacity building. She has held many important positions throughout her career, including CEO for Tres Condados Girl Scout Council, Vice President in Wealth Management for Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, and CEO for Community Action of Ventura County. Before moving to Santa Barbara, Cynder led the San Joaquin County Child Abuse Prevention Council and founded two local nonprofits in the San Joaquin Valley and one national organization.

Jacqueline Duran re-joins the Friendship Center’s Board of Directors this year. She owned and operated her own business for five years before joining the Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Jacqueline now works with Morgan Stanley, Wealth Management. She has 10 years of experience in real estate investment and venture capital. Jacqueline is a supporter of The Santa Barbara Foundation, a board member of Friendship Center, a board member for STESA, a board member for the Santa Barbara Puerto Vallarta Sister Cities Committee and a board member for SBSOS. Jacqueline enjoys playing golf, hiking, skiing, performing arts, and spending time with her family.

Monica Vidger-Trent re-joins the Friendship Center’s Board of Directors this year. A Wealth Planning Consultant specializing in trusts and estates, she has first-hand knowledge of the challenges of juggling caregiving and a career through caring for her mother, who had dementia. Monica learned about Friendship Center and enrolled her mother, who greatly enjoyed the socializing and activities that the program offers, as well as receiving care and supervision during the day while Monica worked. In her spare time, Monica—a pug enthusiast—enjoys attending dog shows and showing her own pug dogs. 

Friendship Center’s Board Officers for FY2020-21: Joe Wheatley, President; Julie McGeever, Vice President; Dana VanderMey, Secretary; Joe Holland, Chief Financial Officer; Kathy Marden, Member-at-Large.

Our mission is to offer engaging activities that promote socialization, well-being, and a sense of community for aging adults. We provide respite, support, and education for their caregivers, enabling them to achieve balance in their lives.

For more information about Friendship Center’s services in Montecito and Goleta or to make a donation, call 969-0859 or visit


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