Deborah L. Schwartz Elected Santa Barbara Beautiful President 2021

Source: Santa Barbara Beautiful

Deborah L. Schwartz, the newly elected President of Santa Barbara Beautiful, has demonstrated her passion for diverse community engagement and support in board leadership positions over the past six years.  Her deep ties throughout Santa Barbara and dedication to community support have led to grant-making projects including the natural environment, arts & culture, and education.
Ms. Schwartz commented “I am honored to receive the support of my Santa Barbara Beautiful board colleagues in continuing to serve in an officer position and specifically as the 2021 President.  To carry forward the work of our 2020 President Penny Haberman, I also am committed to working closely with my colleagues and community partners to make Santa Barbara an even more beautiful, thriving place to live, work and visit.”
Ms. Schwartz is currently in her 11th year as a City of Santa Barbara Planning Commissioner, serving as the 2020 Chair.  She is a consultant in land use planning, policy, and government affairs, having received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Linguistics, and English from UCSB and a Certificate of Executive Development in Marketing Management from Columbia University.

For more information about Santa Barbara Beautiful and ways to participate, please visit
The purpose of Santa Barbara Beautiful is to stimulate community interest and action toward the enhancement of Santa Barbara’s beauty as a complement to current and future government and private activity. Santa Barbara Beautiful is an organization of volunteers dedicated to beautifying our area in a variety of ways not only by working independently but also by cooperating with city departments, neighborhood association and other agencies.


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