Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center Announces New Parenting Together Program

Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center Announces New
Parenting Together Program
Bilingual Helpline and Group Classes Provide Support, Advice and Referrals

The Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center, a treatment program of the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA), is pleased to announce new outreach services to help local parents guide their adolescent children through difficult situations. Made possible by a grant from Montecito Bank & Trust, “Parenting Together” (“Padres Juntos”) includes a Parenting Helpline and Parenting Classes designed to provide education, advice, and referrals specific to parents navigating the challenges of the teen years.

The Parenting Helpline is a free, confidential line parents can call for support and advice, including referrals to the right treatment services (both within and outside of CADA) to help them address issues they may be having with their child. Callers can reach a counselor live Mondays and Fridays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., and Wednesdays, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. They can also leave a message anytime and the call will be returned as soon as possible. The Parenting Helpline is available in both English and Spanish at
(805) 456-1234.

Parenting Together will also offer free weekly group classes (via Zoom during the pandemic), where parents will receive education and support from a class facilitator and other parents facing similar issues. The ongoing classes will cover a broad range of parenting topics, including the philosophy of nurturing parenting, teens and alcohol, brain development and substance abuse, discipline, building empathy and self-worth, and positive ways to deal with anger.

“We are excited to add these resources to our focus on helping local parents with the inherent challenges of raising adolescents,” said Michelle Kerwood, Director of CADA’s Child and Adolescent Treatment Programs. “In the best of times, navigating the teen years is a challenging job. In the current environment, it is proving to be overwhelming for many families who can use a professional helping hand. We believe Parenting Together will be a valuable resource to our community, as we work through the growing issues resulting from the prolonged pandemic.”

Parenting Together is the next step in the evolution of the Daniel Bryant Center’s Parent Program, which has served the community for many years. It is managed by CADA team member Lino Celio, who has led CADA’s successful parent education and support efforts for 17 years. Lino, a graduate of UCSB and a Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselor, is bilingual and well respected throughout the Santa Barbara Community for his successful work as CADA’s Parent Program Coordinator.

The Parenting Helpline and Parenting Classes can be accessed at (805) 456-1234; ParentingTogether@cadasb.org.

About the Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center
The Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center, with locations in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria, helps teens and their families address substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders through a continuum of outpatient treatment services ranging from eight weeks to six months. Services offered at the center include group and individual counseling, case management, and multidimensional family therapy (MDFT). Youth are supported throughout their treatment through coordination with schools and community programs, aftercare and recovery services at exit, and education and support for both clients and their families. Separate youth services programs are also provided to divert teens out of the traditional juvenile justice system, including Teen Court, and Youth Empowerment Services (YES). Clients of the Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center receive an in-depth assessment of their treatment needs and work with a therapist to develop an individual treatment plan. The center also provides drug testing and referrals to other community resources.

About the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA)
For over 70 years, CADA has delivered a broad range of effective programs and services focused on educating, preventing, and treating substance abuse and co-occurring conditions affecting youth, adults, and families in Santa Barbara County. The agency’s Mission is, “Building healthier lives, stronger families, and a safer, more vibrant community through education, prevention, and treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders throughout Santa Barbara County.” CADA works in close partnership with local schools, law enforcement, health care organizations, businesses, other nonprofits, and the media. CADA services are available to anyone impacted by alcohol, drugs, or mental health concerns, without regard to gender, gender preference, age, race, ethnicity, or national origin. For more information, visit www.cadasb.org.


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