Central Coast Orchid Grower Announces Week Long Fundraiser Close Digital Divide for Carpinteria Schools

Source: Westerlay Orchids

Carpinteria-based Westerlay Orchids pledges 100% weekly retail profits to local Carpinteria Education Foundation, Inc., from August 31st to September 5th 2020

Carrying on a rich tradition of community outreach and support, Westerlay Orchids announces for the third year in a row their week-long Carpinteria Education Foundation Inc. (CEF) fundraiser. The family-owned business – best known for producing some of the finest flowers on the Pacific Coast – has pledged a full 100% of retail shop proceeds to help support local non-profit from August 31st through September 5th, 2020. Funds have been earmarked for technology necessary for distanced learning. These need based resources will help to close the digital divide and allow students to participate in online learning with their peers. The team at Westerlay Orchids continues a commitment to serve the needs of the community and in this case, the needs are resources, such as reliable WIFI, hotspots and devices for online learning. In September of 2019, Westerlay raised over $18,000 for CEF and they are hoping to match that for this years fundraiser.

The team at Westerlay Orchids is led by second-generation flower cultivator and Owner/ President Toine Overgaag, who believes the company’s responsibility to community does not start and stop at the greenhouse door. “Along with a deep commitment to environmental sustainability, we pride ourselves on impactful community outreach,” explains Overgaag, “We would not be where we are today without a strong local network behind us. This community’s success is our success – we both grow and thrive when we work together – and CEF is doing a great deal to ensure that Carpinteria’s next generation gets the support and resources they need during this extremely tough time.”

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, school districts across the State, including Carpinteria Unified School District have moved to online learning, creating a discrepancy in the opportunity to learn for some students. During the weeklong fundraiser from August 31st to September 5th, Westerlay Orchids has pledged 100% of sales from their retail showroom to fund technological resources for CUSD families in need through the nonprofit CEF. For more than 25 years, CEF has remained dedicated to the academic success of Carpinteria and Summerland students. The non-profit partners with local schools to provide scholarship opportunities and other essential resources to the city’s youth. CEF also helps shape Santa Barbara’s future by offering students skill-building in such areas as science and technology, language arts, humanities, culinary arts, and agriculture.

Discover the full collection of Westerlay’s world-class orchids, including their new cascading and bramble orchid arrangements and support fundraising activities for the week of August 31st through September 5th, 2020 where 100% of your purchase will be donated to CEF. Learn more about the distinctive Westerlay Orchids philosophy of environmental sustainability and community outreach at www.WesterlayOrchids.com.

About Westerlay Orchids:

Based in beautiful Carpinteria, California, Westerlay Orchids is proud to serve as Southern California’s largest commercial orchid grower. The company annually distributes over 3 million orchids directly to customers and to local and national supermarket chains, as well as florists and designers. Westerlay Orchids has been a pioneer in environmental and sustainability practices and regularly contributes to local schools, nonprofit organizations, and many other community causes. Visit www.WesterlayOrchids.com to learn more about the company.


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