Bishop Diego Freshmen Spend a Day at Fairview Gardens Farm

Bishop Diego High School’s freshman class spent an engaging day connecting with each other and nature at Fairview Gardens Farm on Monday, November 8th. Hosted by The Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens, the 73 members of the Class of 2025 rewired through a non-digital experience filled with authentic and purposeful farm-based activities.

Over the course of the morning, students cycled through five different rotations. Activities included bulb planting, rock painting, harvesting tangerine, lemons, and mint, gathering flowers and creating bouquets, mulching the citrus orchard, spinning wool, exploring the greenhouse, and planting seeds. Time was built in throughout for journaling, reflecting, and connecting. The day culminated with a delicious farm to table feast. “I loved getting to take a break from classrooms and from technology, and I had so much fun spending time with my friends and with nature. It is not often that we do that nowadays so it really opened doors for me and my classmates to explore,” said Bishop Diego Freshman Tara Gregson.

The Freshmen on the Farm experience was an idea developed by Bishop Diego parent Courtney Andelman, and The Center for Urban Agriculture’s Executive Director, Chris Melançon. “Courtney came to us with an idea to have the farm serve as a catalyst for helping Bishop’s students recover from the adverse social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic” said Chris. “Our team of nature-based educators assembled a program that not only helped participants understand how healthy food is grown, but also the importance of small-scale agriculture in building community.”

Combining the four Farm pillars of curiosity, connection, community and stewardship with Bishop’s core values of respect, perseverance, and compassion, the day was a unique opportunity for students to step away from their daily routines and connect through service, joy, relaxation, and purpose. “We are deeply grateful that these two organizations so genuinely care to invest in all these children for the betterment of a brighter future for Santa Barbara and beyond,” said Courtney.

For more information about Bishop Diego High School, visit their website at For more information about The Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens, please visit


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