Become a Courthouse Docent

Source: Barbara Peters, Publicity Chair for the Santa Barbara County Courthouse Docent Council,, (949) 230-7409

The Santa Barbara County Courthouse Docent Council is welcoming prospective docents to apply for the Class of 2023.

For almost 50 years, docents have led visitors from all over the world on tours of the Courthouse, a National Historic Landmark since 2005. The docent training program is an important part of the Council’s mission to support the cultural heritage and public appreciation of this iconic and beloved building.

Prospective docents learn about the history and architecture of the Courthouse with a focus on the artisans, architects and community leaders that brought it into being. The program begins in the first quarter of 2023 and consists of ten weekly classes along with other learning opportunities.

Those interested in becoming a docent can learn more about the process and submit an application via the Docent Council Website,


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