Beautify Goleta Thanks Team Captains

Beautify Goleta Thank You Captains Photo Collage (Courtesy Photo)

Are you looking for a simple yet powerful way to make a difference where you live? You don’t have to look far. The simple act of picking up trash at your favorite beach, park, open space or in your neighborhood is a great start. Even better, leading a group in that effort is all the more rewarding and needed! In order for the City’s Beautify Goleta community cleanups to thrive as they have been, we need Team Captains. Please watch our short video at and sign up here to join!

Captain Benefits:

  • Be recognized in City of Goleta press releases, the Monarch Press monthly e-newsletter, and City social media campaigns.
  • Serve as a steward of your neighborhood and be a leader in your community.
  • Keep your neighborhood clean and beautiful.
  • Get to know your neighbors and network with others.
  • Increase your or your organization’s presence in the community.
  • Participate in volunteer appreciation events.
  • Build pride in your community.

Of course, you don’t have to be a Captain to contribute, you can be part of Beautify Goleta in other ways. Participate in the City’s first-ever Beautify Goleta Self-Guided Cleanup Month. For the entire month of February, you are encouraged to pick up litter during -a time most convenient to you at a location of your choosing (except private property unless permitted by owner). Once you are done, you will report what you collected to the City using an online form. Also mark your calendar for our next community-wide Beautify Goleta cleanup on Saturday, March 16, 2024, spotlighting Old Town Goleta. Don’t wait, sign up here to become a volunteer or Captain today!

As we look for new faces/groups to take on the role of Team Captain, we want to take this opportunity to highlight the ones from 2022 & 2023 and say thank you!

Roger Aceves

Roger Aceves is the founder of Beautify Goleta, former City Councilmember, and the longest-running City Councilmember in our City’s history! He has also participated in Beautify Goleta as a captain, volunteer, facilitator and recruiter. His vision and unwavering commitment have had a tangible impact on our beautiful City. Thank you, Roger, for leading the way.

Rotary Club of Goleta

The Rotary Club of Goleta is a group of our dedicated neighbors who share a passion for community service and fellowship. The Club has been conducting cleanups in Goleta and other public service activities for many years, and officially joined the Beautify Goleta network in 2022. The club has brought many volunteers, participated in every Beautify Goleta event since joining, and captained four events. Goleta is lucky to have such a dedicated organization within our community. Learn more about the club at

Susan Klein-Rothschild

Susan Klein–Rothschild is an outstanding member of the community who has organized three Beautify Goleta events that have had a positive and lasting impact on our environment and community. The Beautify Goleta events she has led have been shining examples of what can be achieved when a passionate individual takes action for the greater good. Thank you for your outstanding efforts and your commitment to improving our environment for all residents.

Cheryl Washburn-Lander

Cheryl Washburn-Lander for the past two years has been devoting her daily walks along Calle Real, Hollister Avenue, and Cathedral Oaks Road to a noble cause – picking up trash to help keep our community clean and beautiful. She has also led three Beautify Goleta events that have brought our community together for a common cause. Her actions remind us that even small, daily contributions can lead to substantial, positive change.

Habitat Santa Barbara

Established in 2000, Habitat for Humanity of Southern Santa Barbara County (Habitat Santa Barbara) is a local nonprofit that helps individuals and families build and improve a place to call home. For the past two years Habitat Santa Barbara has participated in Beautify Goleta and hosted 84 volunteers, contributing 168 hours to neighborhood cleanups! To learn more about the organization, go to

Environmental Defense Center (EDC)

EDC has been doing cleanups in Goleta and Santa Barbara for over 20 years. EDC is a nonprofit public interest environmental law firm which uses education, advocacy, and litigation to protect and enhance the Central Coast environment since 1977. In addition to the many annual creek cleanups EDC leads, EDC has now participated in six Beautify Goleta events. Thank you to EDC for your many efforts to remove trash from the environment and protect our wildlife, creeks, ocean and beaches. Go to to learn more about the EDC.

Community West Bank

Community West Bank has been leading clean-up events for seven years now, and recently joined the Beautify Goleta network. An Old Town Goleta marker, they aim to preserve the cleanliness and charm of Old Town Goleta, to ensure future generations will get to enjoy its unique ambiance. They also want to send a message – that this community is one of caring and respect for our shared environment.

We also want to show our appreciation to other captains that led events in prior years: Waypoint Church, Okeanos Swimwear, Goleta Presbyterian Church, Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Al Souma, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, Girl Scout Troop #55531, Mariposa at Ellwood Shores, and The Home Depot.

Be a part of this special group – volunteer to be a Beautify Goleta Team Captain today! Sign up and learn more at


Written by CityofGoleta

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