Attorney Renee M. Fairbanks Earns AAML Affiliation

Noted family law attorney Renee M. Fairbanks has been accepted to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

“I’m proud, thrilled and extremely gratified to have earned this distinguished affiliation,” said Fairbanks, an attorney and certified family law specialist with family law offices in Santa Barbara and Los Olivos. “It took some real time and effort, and it was absolutely worth it. The AAML is the gold standard in my area of law.”

Founded in 1962, the AAML is a prestigious organization composed of the nation’s most dedicated and professional family lawyers, recognized and respected by the bench and bar as the leaders in the field. Held to extremely rigorous standards, AAML fellows enjoy a reputation for professionalism, competence and integrity. About 1,650 attorneys across the country are fellows in the organization.

Certified by the State Bar of California as a family law specialist, Fairbanks has represented a broad base of clients in divorce, legal separation, support, parentage and custody proceedings for more than a decade in Santa Barbara County and along the Central Coast.

Fairbanks is a tireless client advocate with a knack for handling complex family matters, in trials, evidentiary hearings, settlement conferences and mediations.

Strongly connected to her community, she is a member of both the Santa Barbara County and the Northern Santa Barbara County bar associations. In addition, she’s a past president of the County Bar Foundation; a former board member of the Santa Barbara Women Lawyers; and an adjunct professor of law at the Santa Barbara College of Law, teaching community property.

Fairbanks also gives back to her community, a lot. Among her many affiliations, she is a supporter of the Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit Santa Barbara law firm that’s dedicated to protecting the local environment, and she is a supporter of the Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County, the Fund for Santa Barbara, the Santa Barbara Courthouse Legacy Foundation and the local Animal Shelter Assistance Program. Plus she is a past board member of Old Spanish Days, Inc., which plans and organizes Santa Barbara’s premiere festival, Fiesta.

A graduate of UCSB, Fairbanks graduated from Santa Barbara College of Law.


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