Edhat is an award-winning online news publication serving Santa Barbara County. It began in 2003 by the late Peter Sklar as one of the first-ever citizen journalism websites. Ahead of the trend of online communities, Edhat brought neighbors together virtually to discuss local issues, share photos, and take part in contests.
As the media landscape continues to evolve, edhat remains a favorite among community members for its unique take on Santa Barbara. Readers come for the latest breaking news, conversations with neighbors, pictures of animals, police scanner reports, and comments on everything from the price of pizza to the artistic quality of the chromatic gate.
Edhat reaches over 230,000 users and an average of 1.5 million pageviews each month, the majority of readers are located on Santa Barbara’s South Coast, with numbers dramatically increasing during major news events. Edhat also won the Santa Barbara Independent’s Best Of Poll for “Best Website” ten years in a row and continues to be nominated every year.

Lauren Bray hails from Monterey County and moved to Santa Barbara to attend UC Santa Barbara. She earned a B.A. in English Literature and M.A. from Antioch University. She began working for edhat in early 2012 with Peter until he passed later that year. She then worked alongside Peter’s wife, Sue Foley, until ultimately taking the helm in 2017. Lauren is committed to continuing Peter’s vision of an “online block party” while keeping up to date with the ever-changing technology and media landscape to best serve the local community.
Edhat is a unique hybrid of traditional and citizen journalism. In the traditional realm, edhat’s ever-growing list of fantastic local contributors and staff report on breaking news and any other news items related to the Santa Barbara area. We offer community members the option to write opinion pieces (Op-Eds) on local topics, submit obituaries for publication (free of charge!), share their digital art (cartoons, photography, mixed media, etc.), and a pitch a variety of feature articles ranging from astronomy to restaurant reviews. We are unlike traditional news publications in that we do not endorse political candidates and remain nonpartisan. We offer our dedicated readership to utilize the edhat community for conversation and dialogue, often resulting in great tips on local businesses and city council discussions. Plus, our readers and volunteer “Scanner Reporters” are usually the first to break local news throughout town.
Edhat is independently owned and operated, nonpartisan, and sustained by member subscriptions and advertising revenue. All content is unique and our own, unless specifically identified as a partnership with another local media source.
Edhat is committed to bringing the local community together online in a way that benefits readers and the community as a whole. We’re also aware the internet can be a treacherous place at times and not everyone is on their best behavior. While we welcome feedback of all varieties (see below) we do require that our readers conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Our comment policies are posted
with clearly defined rules for our users to abide by when commenting and participating on edhat.All content submitted to edhat for publication will be reviewed by an edhat staff member before it is posted. Content that contains hateful or disparaging remarks, inaccurate information, conspiracy theories, or speculation will not be published. If you have an opinon about a local topic, you’re allowed to submit an Op-Ed and it must include your full name. Questions for the community or news reports without opinions may be posted anonymously or with your edhat username, pending edhat staff approval.
Did you notice something that needs to be corrected on edhat.com or any of edhat’s social media platforms. Email us ASAP at
. Submitted corrections will be reviewed within 24 hours. If approved, the content will be amended and will include an editor’s note alerting readers of the appropriate correction.QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CONCERNS?
Do you have a suggestion, a concern, a comment, some feedback, or just need to talk through some things that are edhat related? We want to hear it. Email us at
The Boss:
Consulting Editor:
Events Editor & Fun Stuff:
Business Development:
Sales/Advertising & Feature Writer:
- Summer Intern: Mia Groeninger
Internship opportunities are ongoing. Email Lauren at
for more information
Feature Writers
Melinda Burns – Investigative News
Robert Bernstein – Events, Hiking, Lectures
Betsy J. Green – Local History
Joan Hunter Mayer – Dog Training
John Wiley – Aerial Photography
Max Rosenberg – Aerial Photography and Airport Updates
Tom Modugno – Local History, Surfing, and all things Goleta
Bonnie Carroll – Events and Restaurant Reviews
David Gress – Trees of the Month
Fritz Olenberger – Photography
Dr. Gina LaMonica – Education
Rebecca Horrigan – Lifestyle & Music
- Helen Tarbet , US Forest Service – Wildflower Reports
- Amy Reinholds – Housing and Public Policy
Scanner Reporters
Dedicated volunteer reporters who diligently listen to emergency scanner traffic and report breaking news.
- Scanner Andrew
- Geo Duarte
- Bob on the Scanner
- Tagdes
- JB86
Media Partnerships
- Cal Matters – Calmatters.org
- Tyler Hayden –
- Jerry Roberts –
- John Palminteri –
- Daniel Swain –
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