By Bird
There’s a yellow jacket nest in the parkway in front of my house. It’s underground and the wasps fly in and out during the day. It’s on the street side, in a clump of vegetation. Today, I got some spray insecticide at Home Improvement, but one’s supposed to aim at the burrow entrance from 20′ away on a cool/cold night. It’s impossible to do that because of the vegetation — and because of parked cars. I’d have to stand pretty much right over it, which is not recommended! The only real concern about it is that it is on the walking route to Franklin School — relevant also because the kids daily toss uneaten food in the area; that’s probably attracted them.
I am wondering what to do — or is this something that the City, which owns the parkway, takes care of. And, if so, whom to contact?
For info about yellow jackets:
You can call Lenz Pest Control. I had a nest on the property and they took care of it.
Just leave them alone…… humans just love to KILL & destroy everything they come in contact with. They pollinate trees & plants….. just leave them alone .
Yellowjackets don’t bite, they sting.
Oh, and by the way: Yellowjacket bites/stings don’t hurt nearly as much as a bee sting and certainly don’t cause the antihistamine itchy reaction that most of us have from a bee sting. Contact The City and watch them eradicate the nest. Poor insects just trying to make a living, but go ahead and have them all killed for being too close to your house.