By an edhat reader
I live off Glen Annie, couple blocks away from Dos Pueblos High School. About 9pm my family and I noticed a weird smell, like burning sewer. After walking around the house to see if our sewer line was backing up, I walked the neighborhood and the smell seemed to be everywhere. Maybe a chimney burning trash? Anyway seeing if anyone else smelled it or if anyone had an answer for it. I feel like it mimics a smell by the Bacara Resort which sometimes has that sulphuric sewer smell
Im guessing it smells like teen spirit? Or perhaps it’s the warm smell of Goleta, rising up through the air…
(Nirvana Eagles)
This isn’t the first time Western Goleta has had an incident like this. In fact it’s probably the 4th or 5th time it’s been reported. See the link below.
I live very close to Sandpiper golf course, and yes, I noticed a weird smell also around 9 pm.
Thas just Goleta,Probably fertilizer run off from one of the ranches,or turned up debris in the creeks & slough after rain. Or Meth Lab!
R.P. Did describe the odor sulfer had a call with the same odor on Garden street 1300 Block acouple days ago..
Patchouli’s not weird… man….it’s really groovy. I mean…can you dig it.
TADGES, My sentiments exactly.
Reminds me of the funny “smoking shale” replies a few weeks ago 🙂
Lots of “skunk” smells all over town lately.
The lack of scientific knowledge about the local area’s geology, and what is normal, is troubling. There has been oil & gas here for thousands of years, so sometimes the normal accompanying smells of oil & gas are prevalent. You may be smelling hydrogen sulfide, which is normal in heavy crude, which is what the Ellwood oil field is. There are farms here, so sometimes there are farms smells, like freshly applied fertilizer. And sometimes, you can smell aviation fuel from the airport, or “rot” from the slough.
Living alone and not putting on the smelly crap has it’s benefits…:)