Pursuit with a Bicyclist

Pursuit with a bicyclist Southbound on Garden at Yanonali, started at 800 Laguna Traffic violation.


Written by Roger

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  1. Woo hoo! We are so fortunate to have you, Roger. You are truly a lifeline for so many in this community. Thank you for your dedication for what you do, and for what you provide to all of us. If we knew how, we’d buy you a meal or three, but that would never suffice for all that you give. We’d just really like to shake your hand…. and give you a hug, and buy you dinner, and find you a functional chair, a functional fan, all the things. Thank you for all you do, Roger. Please know it is appreciated.

  2. I am so sick of bicyclists running stop signs, all the streets downtown and Cabrillo Boulevard, too —- not only could they get themselves badly hurt, but could cause chain reaction accidents of motorists. Thanks to the police for catching at least one of these scofflaws.

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