Gas Station Thieves In Goleta

By an edhat readers

I was at the World Oil gas station on Fairview [Tuesday] night and there were two Hispanic adult males walking among the cars and trying the doors on the far side of the cars parked to add fuel. They also were just standing by (talking, sipping sodas), watching a young lady go into the store to pre-pay and tried to get the nozzle out and around the pump to their car before she came back out. A alert customer witnessed all of this and called them out. At that point they jumped in the back of their pick up truck and left before any one could stop them.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Good idea to lock one’s car when going in to pay or pre pay for gasoline and keep your purse and/or phone with you, not on a seat, to thwart smash and grab. We pay now with cash for gas, as the scammers can insert a credit card cheat device. In one year alone this happened three different times, three different gas stations. Once the scammers have your number, they can try to use your card. Hopefully your credit card company will catch it, but it is a pain to have to change your card.

  2. I don’t fully understand “on the far side of the cars parked to add fuel.” So that many people leave their cars to pay cash? I haven’t seen that; where I gas up it’s one out of 10 or more who goes in to pay. Not criticizing, I appreciate your report. The station must have video. Hope someone called it in; wouldn’t hurt for law enforcement to see it. Though they’re probably too busy to preemptively deal with these men. Again, thanks for the head up. (though I’ll probably skip that station, certainly after dark!)

  3. From what I can tell, anyone posting anonymously ( at least on the same thread), gets the same ‘tag’ number. So all the posts with the same I.D. number CAN each be from a different person. And, I don’t see a ‘96068’…?

Scanner Reports 1-23-19

Juvenile Gang Types