(stock photo)
By edhat staff
Approximately 6,700 pounds of food was distributed to over 462 individuals during the Foodbank’s three-day distribution for federal employees.
The Foodbank is offering healthy food to federal employees, and members of their immediate families, who are affected by the government shutdown. They have extended their free food distribution to Friday, January 25 and the Lompoc distribution has changed to make it more convenient for the Vandenberg-vicinity and Federal Penitentiary employees.
During last week’s three-day distribution, a total of 178 families were fed with 3,194 pounds of produce and 3,512 pounds of food.
The Foodbank of Santa Barbara County released a list of federal departments, in order of the most to least number of people using the provided service :
- Lompoc Federal Prison
- Vandenberg AFB (Base and NASA personnel)
- FAA Air Traffic Controllers
- National Weather Service
- Coast Guard
- Dept of Interior (Forest Service, Fish/Wildlife)
Groceries may be picked up free of charge at the Foodbank warehouses in Santa Maria and Santa Barbara or at the Federal Correctional Staff Housing Training Center on Friday, January 25 from 1 pm to 2:30 p.m.
Foods available in the distributions include, as available, fresh produce, whole grains, protein items, and other nutritious groceries. No paperwork is required and immediate family members may pick up food for affected federal employees.
Past Articles
- January 10, 2019: Foodbank to Distribute Free Food for Federal Workers
Some politician said, “No one lives paycheck to paycheck anymore.” The guy needs a reality check. President said the shutdown is okay because they are all Democrats. Say what? Politics aside, they are humans, show some humanity. I intend to send the Foodbank a check today. For every dollar they can buy about $8 worth of food, makes a donation go a long way.
Gov employees starving? Right. I feel a pity party. Maybe they should look for a job in the private sector instead? Get a real job, hard work, real hours and no more donut breaks. See how that works for them.
Our “government” is not holding anyone hostage. These workers can get other jobs if they need the extra cash. It is your elected representative who are refusing to budge. No such thing as the “government” as a life force of its own. Tell your local elected representative, Salud Carbajal, to break the log jam. Otherwise it is party over country.
Very appreciative of the food bank, sad for our own government’s employees, and disgusted that our government would hold them hostage in an extortion attempt and use many as unpaid slaves.
Well, one comment agrees with Trump, no good lazy workers don’t deserve “pity”. Heartless!
As Trump’s secretary of commerce notes, why don’t these workers just get a loan!! Or as his daughter says, it’s just a little sacrifice for a better cause!! Or as Trump suggests, they should just go to their local market and they will get credit until this is over!! These folks are so far removed from real lives that they make Marie Antoinette look compassionate.
SBNATV: Please do tell us exactly what your job is that is so much more “real” than the millions of jobs held by people currently impacted by Humpty Trumpty’s temper tantrum shutdown?
Assuming that all federal employees could immediately find work in the private sector, what would the rest of us do about no air traffic controllers, no Coast Guard to rescue those in peril in the ocean, no guards in the prisons, no advance warning that the weather services offer, no one to check that the meat and produce are OK to eat, and so forth?
I don’t know about you Factorum, but I need these people to handle that stuff; I can’t.
SBNATV – Hahaha! You honestly think that you, a contractor, and an air traffic controller or Coast Guard officer are even close to the same situations? If you don’t get a job, you can easily go find another. Not so much for people in highly specialized careers. What do you suggest for them? Part time at McDonalds? Also, way to hijack this and turn it into an “illegals” rant.
You’re positive I employ illegals? You know nothing about me… For the record, I dont. I agree, the influx of illegals has decimated the trades. It’s an absolute tragedy that we allowed so many to illegally undermine the fabric of our middle class. They have not only decimated the trades, they’ve created a new low of what is acceptable quality and price. Its insane but Trump is about as capable of resolving the issue as he is in running a marathon. There are many hardworking people impacted by the shutdown. Contractors, laborers, desk workers, LEO, etc… The list goes on. Working hard is not worthy of an award, its a part of life. Its a good thing but if you’re jealous of what others make, maybe you should look into another line of work that allows you to have more leisure time?
I saw this coming 25 years ago while working as a carpenter and started hearing I can get 2 illegals for the price of you.
Many Federal Govt. Workers are Wildland Firefighters. They do grueling work non stop for 16 hours straight while camping out close to the fires, risking their lives and their health breathing in smoke while leaving their families for at least two weeks straight throughout fire season to protect our forests and our homes, most for only $14 an hour! Others Forest Service and Nat. Park Employees clean toilets and fire pits and pick up YOUR trash.. Other Federal Employees work extremely stressful jobs with only skeleton crews serving the public to help YOU get your tax returns and Social Security payments and to make sure YOUR food and medicine is safe and YOUR flights are safe!! What do you do for a living that is of greater benefit to society than these Public Servants are, that deems you so worthy of speaking so disparingly of them? And why can’t you compete with supposedly “illegals”? They must work harder and better than you and have more reasonable rates if they’re getting more jobs than you. Your rant shows just how clueless you are, so no surprise there!