Digging at De La Guerra Plaza

Source: City of Santa Barbara

An archaeological investigation will be conducted at De La Guerra Plaza on March 23-29. It will require shovel test pits throughout the turf area resulting in some temporary turf closures, but sidewalks won’t be impacted. This work is necessary prior to development of a concept plan for revitalization of the Plaza.

Why this Project?

De La Guerra Plaza was designated a Public Square in 1853 and has since served as Santa Barbara’s center of town. In addition to serving as a civic center, it has provided the location for the original Police and Fire Stations. It is the venue for political activism and events including Old Spanish Days. Should the Cota Commuter Lot be selected as the site for the new Police Station, the Saturday Farmer’s Market would require relocation. De La Guerra Plaza presents an opportunity for the City to revitalize and reactivate its center of town. A revitalized Plaza will involve expanding the available space by making structural and aesthetic improvements to better serve the community’s arts and cultural events throughout the year.

Click here for more information.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. so they are going to tear the place up for dig? Why? I’m pretty confident that during WW2, when they installed the bomb shelter under DLG Plaza, that this was done…extensively. So why PAY to do this again? I assure you that nothing was buried there in the past 74 years that would be that spectacular, nor would it be worth paying for all of this with tax $. How about stop spending on useless crap, and maintain what we already have…like the fountains…streets, fancy schmancy brick crosswalks that are full of pot holes…and more…

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