Hummingbirds Halt DLG Bridge Demolition

By an edhat reader

After several weeks of preparations, the De La Guerra Street replacement project has temporarily halted to a stop because of nesting hummingbirds purportedly discovered in the demolition zone during an inspection by Fish and Game. 

The nests are currently being monitored for any changes.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Let’s see how much this delay will cost taxpayers and then we can discuss the wider dimensions of this incident. Construction equipment once in place cannot easily be moved to another job, while waiting for two hummingbird eggs to hatch. Agree, too bad this was not foreseen before the project started. Word to the wise in this town -since all the delay does is spend other people’s money, one can only wonder about those who scream the loudest hang the expense and demand this screeching halt and demand such minutiae will save the planet for all future generations. Since the bridge handles auto traffic, why not stop the bridge entirely if one is truly concerned about the web of life.

  2. this won’t cost US anything man…this will cost the city whatever it costs and frankly, this city council has a shit ton of money in its coffers. i’m not concerned about a delay on a bridge that doesn’t need to be rebuilt. they rebuilt these bridges 3 to 4 years ago…this is just them wasting more money on something that isn’t needed.

  3. I, for one, am all for lending our fellow Earthlings a helping hand whenever and wherever necessary. It’s about time we all stopped thinking humans mean so much more than other creatures. We’re all in this together. Kindness and compassion never hurt anyone. Hooray for Fish and Game working to protect tiny feathered beings.

  4. Touching, a community willing to pay for construction delays. Could we please have an accounting since there are now several incidents of bird protection interference with other construction projects. Public needs to know and factor this into future budgeting decisions.

  5. all communities pay for delays. we have been paying for other delays that aren’t announced. let’s rail on those too….or really…who gives two turds if it’s delayed. this is 1 block from my home, and i assure you, none of us in the neighborhood care. except my friend that lives right next to the bridge…

  6. What is asinine is that this is just discovered after “weeks of preparation”. I am no fish and game expert, but I understand that it is only against the law to disturb nesting birds. That is why most contractors sweep/clean properties daily during nest creation season especially for swallows. No nest = no nesting birds. The birds get the idea and build their nest and lay eggs somewhere else. This is just poor planning.

  7. Thank you Fish & Wildlife! There will always be pressure from SELFISH SELFISH people to prioritize their petty needs over wildlife. Nesting protection is required for continuation of species. It’s temporary. Stop whining Mattboy & get over it. Donate money to their union if you’re so concerned. Think outside the box & get a temp job… maybe the oil spill on Haskell’s Beach could use help with cleanup.

  8. I am so happy to see that SOMEONE cares about our wildlife!! I do believe that people are waking up and starting to care. We share the earth with these beings, and we’ve done a poor job of taking care of our earth, oil spills right here at Haskell’s in the news this morning. Humans cause it. Thank you to the City of Santa Barbara and to all people who care about wildlife. They deserve to live peacefully just as much as we do.

  9. If the City really cared they could prioritize planting blooming vines on municipal property fences that would support and shelter hummingbirds. Truly beautify the city, long-term. They could also plan their construction calendar for repairs in seasons that do not impact nesting. But they are ignorant and reactive, and justify their existence with these projects to keep the budget wheels spinning.

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