By an edhat reader
[On June 17] there were white-painted arrows and a few other marks appeared on the sidewalks of Mason, Alisos, Voluntario and maybe other streets. There have been no explanations and I wonder if anyone knows what they signify, what they’re for?
May be getting ready for a property owner’s lateral sewer line replacement project, as mandated the city’s SLIP program.
they are starting a new program of one way sidewalks. but yet havent made up their mind which way this one will go. please vote for which direction you want at your local sidewalk by………. just ignoring it.
Most creative answer! Why would anyone downvote it?
Cable lines are Orange, Electrical lines are Red, Gas lines are Yellow, Water lines are Blue, Reclaimed water lines are Purple and Sewer lines are Green. .
That’s just about completely wrong unless you know for a fact this has all changed recently. City techs determine and mark the areas to be removed and work up the costs for the contract which is put out to bid. Contractors’ estimators measure it and work up a bid and if no problems it’s then awarded to the lowest bidder. The only exception would be a small or emergency project.