Source: City of Goleta
The City of Goleta is proud to have graduated 16 residents from the City’s first community academy, LEAD Goleta (Learn, Empower, Advocate, Discuss). Class participants attended six two-hour classes over six months to learn the inner workings of city government. The final class on July 10, 2019, included recognition from the City Council.
“I hope that after graduating from the LEAD Goleta program the participants will have learned more about the way our local government works, and will continue to stay involved,” said Mayor Paula Perotte. She continued, “LEAD Goleta is a great way for residents to learn about Goleta’s Government and inspire them to become more actively involved by attending public meetings, applying for a board or commission, or running for City Council.”
The program was designed to help residents better understand the role that local government plays in the community so that they can effectively participate and share that knowledge with others. Each session was led by the City Manager, Michelle Greene, and a Department Director or other staff member, in an intimate and informal setting. The Director gave background information on his/her department, provided information on current topics, and answered questions from participants.
The City is pleased with the success of its first LEAD Goleta program. LEAD Goleta is a free program open to all residents within City limits. The minimum age is 15 as the City believes that it is also important to get young adults involved in the local government process. Stay tuned for information on the next session.