What is the SNAP Program?

By an edhat reader

A group of kids from the “SNAP” Program [Santa Barbara Police Department Student Neighborhood Assistance Program Officer] came to my house this weekend during a BBQ stating we had a noise complaint. It was the early evening on a Saturday. 

The explanation of a “violation” was very confusing as they weren’t police officers. I was let go with a warning, even though there were 2 other louder house parties on the block they didn’t visit. What is the legitimacy of this service and can they actually issue citations? There was a threat of my address being put in a system but it didn’t make much sense.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. It’s called a “Shake-down”..
    See, the city makes a bunch of new rules & ords because it has wasted $$ for needed projects & needs to recoup.
    They’re not gonna tax the tourists because that would take food from CC plates, but we the locals can be squeezed.
    “We’re ALL a bunch of Pini’s”..
    Keep us around when you need to collect hush money.

  2. We need more volunteer neighborhood block captains and thoughtful neighbors. SNAP workers are more cost effective than million dollar police officers for noise complaint response, and other reminders to those living in dense residential neighborhoods. I welcome knowing if I’m bothering my neighbors. Not everyone is hard of hearing.

Scanner Reports 7-22-19

Figueroa Mountain Brewery Co-Founder Dies at 72