Santa Barbara City Parks to Close Earlier?

By Deanne Whitlee

This week the Santa Barbara City Council voted 5-2 to close all city parks a half-hour after sunset, instead of 10:00 p.m.

The reasons our Parks Director cited were due to poor bathroom cleanliness, vandalism, trash, and not enough parks staff. She also stated the Parks Department spent $1.6 million in one year to clean up homeless camps and keep the parks clean.

Is this what our city has come to? Our parks are ruined for the majority because of the misdeeds of a few?

The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled in April that if there is no room at area shelters, then members of the public (eg. transients) must be allowed to sleep without fear of arrest or prosecution.

So, the City of Santa Barbara decides that if any local person is watching the sunset and stays longer than the 30 minutes, we’ll be asked to leave. But if a homeless person decides to set up camp and sleep in the park, it’s ok. Should we all then pretend to be taking naps if the cops try and shoo us out?

One thing I do agree with, they voted to ban adults from designated children’s playgrounds and play areas unless they accompany a child. Although, most of the adults creeping around playgrounds are transients who sleep and sometimes live in the parks. 

Why not come up with a comprehensive solution to the homeless crisis so our parks will be enjoyable for everyone, State Street will be a pleasant place to visit again, and the City can stop spending money on cleaning up the mess and paying outside corporations to tell us what we already know?

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  1. If the homeless are not kicked out at 10pm (which they most certainly are NOT 99% of the time), why would they be kicked out at the new closing time? Stupid and pointless choice that only punishes the law-abiding public.

  2. “due to a new federal or state law.”
    There is no such law. This op-ed mentions a 9th circuit court ruling (basic civics: the difference between the judiciary and the legislature), but that ruling isn’t relevant because the shelters aren’t full.

  3. Great article. Why would anyone (ie: vagrants) abide by the sunset rule, when they don’t abide by the 10pm rule? Is it not illegal to shoot up heroin in the park too? That doesn’t seem to stop them. This decision is a foolish waste of time and resources.

  4. I like the new rules the City has imposed. I think they’re trying to keep everyone safe, and healthy. It took courage to do this and I applaud them. Thank you, City of Santa Barbara. Seattle is dying, but we’re not…

  5. These comments are another opportunity to vent against the homeless and near homeless. Instead of recognizing that ALL ACROSS the nation people are being left on the streets and alleys by an increasingly greedy and selfish society, the apologists blame the victims as drug users, lazy, spoiled, lawless and selfish and probably anti-religious. Santa Barbara does not have enough shelter space for the need despite what is noted here. Goleta has NO shelter space. Carpinteria has NO shelter space. The County has NO shelter space on the south coast. The Boise decision cited above does apply here because these agencies trying to enforce their laws against the poor do not offer an alternative to the person exercising the basic right to sleep. It would be a lot more humane and a lot cheaper if our communities got together and created some real housing solutions (especially without conditioning their use by moral tests).

  6. Thank-you Bird.
    Your response was very respectful, lucid & appreciated,
    The plan created is indeed long..very.
    Lots of “definition”, legal citation, & areas where “out of the box” thinking must be considered due to the uniqueness of the situation.
    Now, to create a web-page with a comment section etc, is more work than I want to do.
    I need we all do.
    But prior to a comprehensive plan being presented..
    How are we supposed to convince the current Mayor to read it?..public outcry?
    Also, I have trepidations about presenting my ideas without being ripped-off by the city.
    No..I require a meeting with whomever it is that can “Get things done”..
    There’s been too much talking, & no action for far too long.
    I’m result oriented.

  7. City staff get paid $320,000 for life plus benefits to talk, hire consultants, refer to Committee. They cannot do anything because they have never run a business or had to do anything to eat and survive. LaLaLand Lives with 3-day weekend paid by the 76% RICH residents in Santa Barbara. The 24% living in poverty need leaders, but their rich neighbors are happy with our do-nothing Council. Time to zip lemonade thru my black-market plastic straw. Life is good! “There’s been too much talking, & no action for far too long. I’m result oriented.” So was I until I learned voters seek incompetent candidates. Only Randy and Jason are able to think independently.

  8. Yes, “Why not come up with a comprehensive solution to the homeless crisis so our parks will be enjoyable for everyone.” No other city in the US has been able to do this, but I am sure we can do it if we could just get a GOP majority on the City Council. No way the police will be ticketing taxpayers walking their frenchies at the local parks. This will be used to target other groups of people until a lawsuit is filed against the city for selectively enforcing the ordinance, and then they will have to repeal it.

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