(Image: Los Angeles Herald, June 23, 1913)
By Betsy J. Green
According to the local paper, the first chapter in our area of the national organization called the Camp Fire Girls got its start in Carpinteria this month. According to the article, the name “Kiladi Kamp” was chosen because it means “Seagull Camp” – perhaps in a Native American language. The eight girls of the new group saw a large flock of seagulls on their first hike.
The girls could earn honors in subjects such as: home craft, health craft, nature lore craft, and patriotic honors. They went on a hike every week.
Betsy’s Way Back When book — 1918 — is now available in local bookstores and at Amazon.com. This is the fifth book in her series of the history of Santa Barbara, one year at a time. Learn more at
Never heard this word, & I can sing in about 10 Native languages.
I think it’s an East-Indian word.