Jesusita Trailhead Vehicle Break-Ins

By an edhat reader

A vehicle burglary occurred on San Roque Rd by the Jesusita Trailhead Sunday evening between 6 and 7 pm. No possessions or bags had been left in the car that would have been visible from the outside and could have enticed the burglar. The burglar smashed the rear window to get access to the trunk. Be careful when you park at the trailhead and don’t leave anything of value in your car! 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. I have always thought the advise to leave nothing of value in you car was not very helpful. You are going hiking – so you should carry everything from your car on your back because they cannot protect our property. Prop 47 which made theft under $950 basically a wrist slap has enable thieves to take what they want. Maybe they could patrol, arrest, prosecute and punish offenders.

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