Source: City of Santa Barbara
Join the City Public Works team at a workshop to plan for the future of Cliff Drive. At this workshop, we will discuss potential approaches to address safety concerns in the Cliff Drive Corridor, from Las Positas Road to Loma Alta Drive, based on input received from Mesa residents over the past few years.
The Approach Workshop will be held on Thursday, October 17 at 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Monroe Elementary School. View the Workshop Flyer for details.
As a Vision Zero Priority Corridor, Cliff Drive has a historical pattern of traffic collisions and other safety concerns. Community-based solutions will be presented at the workshop, including safer bike facilities, safer pedestrian crossings, lane restriping, and new traffic signals. Community feedback on these proposals will strengthen Santa Barbara’s applications for grant funding awards in 2020.
After the City receives feedback at the workshop, the proposals will be presented to the Transportation and Circulation Committee at a public hearing in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street, on October 24 at 5:30 p.m., and then to City Council early next year.
Para información en español, llame a Erica Madrigal, (805) 560-7531. La traducción al español se proporcionará en el taller.