Sheriff’s Deputies responding with the Fire Department and Medics staged in the 100 Block of Walnut Lane Goleta for a reported fight.
Fight on Walnut Lane
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and this really matters how?
Seems like more and more of these gang actions as they fight for turf so they spray paint their symbols on everything. Something to look forward to in California.
Arrest all known members of both gangs and supevise them to scrub off their graffiti and require them to train their own EMTs. Only admit life-threatening cases in ERs and hospitals–and require them and their “associates” to work off the expenses of that with grunt-work evenings and week-ends.
LUVADUCK – good luck with that, but this pesky thing called the Constitution doesn’t allow us to just go out and “round up” people and punish them for a crime they themselves might not have even been part of. Also, forced labor is one of those not so legal things.
Where this happened is actually in Noleta. Poor Goleta always getting a bad rap even though it has a lower crime rate than Beverly Hills.
Gauchogurl – why are you bringing up domestic violence? Everyone here as already determined it must be gang-related. They’re a very wise bunch, these folks. 😉
I understand and appreciate the oversight of the Constitution. I’m just so of such a small number (mostly young men & boys) causing so much damage to their community and each other at such a huge expense. Since these gangs only excuse for being is to do the harm they are doing, there must be a better way to handle it than enabling them by paying to have them put back together after they assault each other. The way it is now, they get bragging rights for their scars/jail tats.
LUVADUCK – 1.) Why does it always have to be about gender/sex with you? There are plenty of violent female gangsters here, it’s not “mostly young men & boys.” And even if it was, how does that further your argument? 2.) Where does it say anywhere in the original post that this was gang-related? Why do you assume so much?