Photo: CHP
By edhat staff
California Highway Patrol ticketed speeding drivers on Highway 154 Wednesday following last week’s fatal collision, reports KEYT.
A mother and her two children were killed during a head-on collision near Cold Spring Bridge on Friday prompting residents to demand action from law enforcement and local officials.
The speed enforcement was conducted near Armour Ranch Road from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m.
According to KEYT, CHP officers conducted 25 enforcement stops and issued 18 citations for speeding.
The speed limit on the majority of the roadway is 55 mph.
By my literal count on my 154 commute there are 600 people on the pass in an hour and they pulled over 25? I didn’t see a single CHP yesterday or today on the road.
This road is such a killer there needs to be a CHP presence at all times, and radar checked. Only when word gets around it’s not worth a ticket for speeding will drivers change their habits. The tickets are bad on your insurance rates too.
Too little too late. CHP should be held accountable for these deaths for not enforcing the law on such a dangerous stretch of road. If they say it’s too dangerous to enforce it or patrol it, then shut it down,
Sorry but the CHP cannot be responsible for a lunatic on a suicide mission.
And after the gravel truck launched onto the small house at the bottom of the Pass killing three, CHP conducted rigorous brake inspections on trucks traveling the 154… for a couple of weeks.
And they just now think it might be a good idea to monitor traffic on the 154?
Speedsters are not the ONLY problem on this road. Among others :
Just about everyone follow each other way TOO close and CHP NEVER enforces the 3 second rule.
Slow drivers SPEED UP as soon as that get to the passing lane sections and prevent frustrated drivers behind them to pass and they do not have the DECENCY or CIVILITY to let all those drivers they’ve held up to pass them.
SBTOWNIE actually they can, it’s the reckless drivers who make split second bad decisions that they can’t catch. 😉
it’s not the speeding that’s the problem folks…it’s lack of attention to driving. put your coffee down, cell phone, mascara or whatever you are doing and just DRIVE. The last accident was no accident, it was intentional act of a psychopath.
We don’t know that.
If we paid to put a fence across the bridge then we sure as heck should pay to put a barrier down the middle of the road. How many more head-ons does it take before this inevitable solution is realized?
80 mph? Unbelievable.
With the increase in population, perhaps it should be widened to three lanes for the whole stretch. A lot of highways in CA have been improved to handle more capacity. It’s not 1950 anymore.
Yep let’s just chop up and pave some more of the mountain so we can have more lanes and more people driving on it. That’s the ticket!
Yes, build more lanes so we can kill more animals than we do now. Although maybe there aren’t very many left alive at this point. Remember a few years ago when 2 bears where hit and killed in a short time, one by some Casino patrons? Don’t hear about bears anymore in that area. I doubt that any plans for widening that road include any expensive wildlife crossings.
Janet Wolf was “on the job’ for years. Epic fail. Let the CHP do the job and ticket until the whole stretch becomes respected.
40 mph speed limit. BOOM solved.
Boom, not possible on a State Highway for many reasons. Unsolved.