By an edhat reader
I am looking for recommendations for converting my wood burning fireplace to natural gas. I would appreciate input from any readers who have gone through the conversion process and were happy with the person or company they used, and/or materials used. Thanks!
A chimney is a significant source of heat loss unless you use a fireplace insert, right? It acts to pull heated air out of the room and sends it up the chimney? New houses in California are not allowed to use gas due to climate change concerns- have to be all electric. I know it will be hard for fireplace lovers to give them up, but that is what mother nature is demanding from us, the ultimate sacrifice.
Berkeley did that ban on gas use for new homes, not ALL of California.
PM2.5 is particulate matter found in wood smoke. 2.5 microns = 3% the diameter of a human hair. These lighter air particulates tend to stay in the air longer than heavier particulates such as pollen (10 micrometers) and other matter. Try and find an air purifier that cleans/treats any particles less than 3 microns in size. After burning wood and polluting ourselves and our neighbors for over 50 years, we changed to fireglass indoors and out. Santa Barbara air has enough problems now with all the increased traffic and increase in wildfires. We don’t need to add to that.
SoCalGas can see the handwriting on the wall, and so they’ve started an astroturf group promoting the continued use of natural gas. Their talking points include the phrases “balanced energy sourcing” and “clean burning natural gas”.
The PSPS is the wildcard. Up north, people generally have two sources of heat: a propane/NG/electric heater, and a wood or pellet stove. Without the wood stove back up, it can get dangerously cold in homes when there are extended power failures. In SB, an extended power failure will cause discomfort but it won’t endanger your life (in most cases). If you are in a colder section of the state and it’s mandated that there be no natural gas, but instead all utilities must be electric, it will be like a death sentence to some.
I added gas to an existing wood fireplace some years ago, and found it to be a pretty easy job. Getting the gas plumbing installed was the most expensive part, but the total with burner and fake logs was quite affordable. We initially used it to start wood logs, but soon gave wood up and just left the fake logs on the grate. It saved a lot of hassle and some expense. Much more importantly though, it eliminated the considerable carcinogen load from our home and neighborhood. More recently we installed a new metal gas fireplace with tempered glass front and fan, so we still have the nice visual effect along with considerable heat output and a thermostatic remote control. It goes all Winter on a few batteries and works perfectly during power outages. Whatever route you go, if you’re not going to do it yourself just find a local installer you like and trust.
Check with Air Pollution Control District (APCD) to see if you get any kind of rebate. APCD had a program last year giving out (I think it was $1,000) rebates for just such a conversion. (805) 961-8800 And *thank you* for not polluting your neighborhood.
But it’s still carbon-based, which is problematic.
RHS, China had to get rid of their 1 child policy. It resulted in an oversupply of men because couples were selectively aborting their daughters. And now they have the same problem as all mature capitalist societies, a fast aging population that requires continued growth and expansion to support the non-productive seniors. The only thing that has saved us so far is immigration, but we are cutting that off. It’s going to be a fun ride!
To the OP -Thank you for considering switching your fireplace to gas. It’s too bad your simple question brought out the wackos. Good luck with your conversion.
Clean out the ashes and install a flat screen TV, then stream a YouTube fireplace video while wearing your Patagonia down smoking jacket. Fire crackling sound optional. 😉
Please consider not doing this and minimizing the use of your fireplace. Both wood and natural gas are fossil fuels and the burning of them contributes to the carbon in the atmosphere that is exacerbating climate change. I used to burn my gas log and stopped several years ago when I realized it was entirely decorative and causing environmental harm without being a necessity for me
I recommend Total Heating and Air, located at 590 E. Guitierrez Street. Their phone number is: 805-617-4034. About six years ago, we had our very old (1927) Craftsman house fireplace converted to gas — excellent! We have since moved to another and newer home with a gas fireplace conversion that they have serviced for us. We now also use Total Heating for our yearly central heating servicing. I would start with this reputable local company. You will be pleased.
Wood is not a fossil fuel. Coal, oil (not cooking oil), and gas (not generated by biowaste) are fossil fuels. Wood is a form of solar energy stored by trees.
That’s a slippery slope. Remember the outcry when the Chinese tried to limit their population? Almost no one thinks that anyone else should be able to control their procreativity. I know a lot of environmentalists who are choosing not to have kids but that just means the Selfmentalists will someday overwhelm the earth. Maybe a pandemic will come and do the job that we can’t or won’t do. But what a sad mess that will be.
No, you got it all wrong! The politically-environmentally correct thing to do is to spend $25,000 to install solar panels, ditch the gas (replacing any gas appliances of course, like F/A heater, water heater and stove, maybe another $5,000 if you shop carefully ) then install an electric simulated fire element in your fireplace. Maybe $1,000. I hear they even have some with crackling sounds. Aside from a little ozone, you then have a nice cozy, environmentally-sound fireplace. And it won’t bother the neighbors. Although it might amuse them that you spent all that money.
Zen, why do you have to go with the negative labels? In the society we live in, almost every decision has consequences that go beyond a simple lifestyle choice. We ignore them at our peril, literally. But perhaps we are old enough so that we won’t have to face the consequences. But our kids will.
PIT, Negative labels? Have you read some of these comments? The OP had a basic question asking for a referral. Which turned into China’s birthing policy. Sorry if my use of the word wacko offended you. Go snuggle with your dog.