Fox in Bel Air Backyard

By Roger R.

This fox appeared in my backyard on Feb 9 on Crestline Drive. You can see the municipal golf course in the background and the Earl Warren Show-ground dome on the far right.


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  1. To the OP: Forgot to mention: If you ever decide to mount that birdhouse, you may want to consider removing its perch. Houses with larger entrance holes may be subject to “predator” birds (Starlings, House sparrows, etc) harrassing and even eating fledglings.

  2. 10:50 What a stupid, stupid response. Human growth has nothing to do with who can and can’t afford it in Santa Barbara but for what it’s worth, I’d take those invasive “non-native” humans over someone like you any day.

  3. FYI, just read that this species (Vulpes vulpes) is one of the top three vectors for animal to human disease transmission, according to an article on coronavirus (I think in Nature). The more common vectors are Chimpanzee and Rhesus monkey. Cute fox and great photo, but a very invasive species.

  4. You ask how to stop “non-native invasive species” ? (aka humns) We can elect legislators who don’t foist more growth upon us. If this state is not “affordable” for the multitudes who want to live here, then let market forces inherently put limits on future growth. Stop busting our limited local resources with legislative mandates. Stop accommodating high internal growth birth rates, when support resources require they be subsidized by others. What current politics and control of the narrative prevents imposition of growth limits? And most importantly why. Cui bono.

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