Carbajal Introduces Bill to Halt Future Oil and Gas Drilling

Source: Office of Rep. Salud Carbajal

[On Friday], Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) introduced the California’s Land Preservation and Protection Act to place a moratorium on fracking and new oil and gas drilling on federal lands on California’s central and southern coasts. This is direct pushback on the Trump administration’s decision allowing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to pursue oil and gas leasing on over 1.2 million acres of California land, including San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) is an original co-sponsor of this bill.

“We cannot stand by as the Trump administration pollutes our environment and auctions off our public lands, health, safety and economy,” said Carbajal. “My bill will stop the Bureau of Land Management from proceeding with any oil and gas activities that are detrimental to our environment, it promotes comprehensive research and it enhances environmental justice in our communities. The health of our Central Coast public land is key to the health of our communities—we will not be exploited by this administration and special interests.”

“In Ventura County, we pride ourselves on being good stewards of the environment,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. “The Bureau of Land Management has a responsibility to protect our public lands for future generations, but its recent actions to open up lands for drilling and fracking, including in Ventura County, are at odds with that mission. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the California’s Land Preservation and Protection Act because our public lands must be protected from the harmful impacts of drilling and fracking.”

California’s Land Preservation and Protection Act prohibits BLM from authorizing future oil and gas leasing until the department publishes a comprehensive environmental impact statement to assess potential effects on climate change, air quality, water, wildlife, emissions, impacted communities—including low-income and indigenous communities, and communities of color—and more. If the evaluation finds adverse impacts, BLM cannot move forward with new drilling and development.

On December 12, 2019, BLM announced the decision to allow for new oil and gas leasing in California. Shortly after, the Trump administration faced lawsuits from the state of California, Los Padres ForestWatch and Center for Biological Diversity.

Full bill text can be found here.

Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County. In Congress, Carbajal has been a longstanding environmental champion, passing three of his environmental bills through the House this term.



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  1. Thank you, Congressman Carbajal, for voting in the best interests of your constituents, and not caving in to the moneyed interests of big carbon. Too bad more people in government, especially the current administration, do not have your integrity and ethics. And too bad, especially in this day and age, that anyone is ignorant enough to fall for the falsehoods promulgated by the fossil fuel industries.

  2. No, Salud, it is not time to go. Because the alternative is an anti-woman, anti-public education whiner. Let’s not forget his opponent for years belittled the women who served on the Board of Supervisors, calling them the ‘twisted sisters’ (read ‘hags/witches’). The media let him get away with that like he was being ‘cute’. No. That would not be allowed today. He was/is a sexist with a Capital S. And then don’t forget his railing against those ‘sinners’ down at UCSB. Wild godless youth. Just get into the COLAB archives and read for yourselves. He has no use for public schools, having his wife home school his brood of 7 in Nipomo while he was out hobnobbing with the oil industry in SB County. So, no, it is not time for Salud to go.

  3. What does Salud ? drive a Tesla (probably with all his $) forget American oil and lets be dependent on foreign petro (Ya right) stupid choice or buy us all all a telsa-oh ya tesla probably has a much larger carbon footprint than a regular car

  4. I voted for Salud because he cares about keeping our air clean and keeping our oceans clean. If you had ever seen Caldwell in action as I have, at many many meetings, you would know he’s a bombastic, right-wing idjit.** Cue music from Deliverance.** If it was up to Andy, all the green space between here and Buellton would be condos and richy rich mansions. That creep doesn’t care about our planet; seven kids? Appalling.

  5. It’s guaranteed that if Bruce “Never going to give you a straight answer” Porter gets seated in the 3rd District with his Doobie Brother homie Das sitting down in the 1st District, it will be the end of this gorgeous environment as we know it in SB County. They are both in the back pockets of Big Oil, Big Developers, one rich dude in Reno NV, and many other filthy rich outside-the -county people who all want one thing – M O N E Y & lots of it. They do not care for one second about our county, but only how to make M O N E Y!

  6. Since Carbajal “really cares” about clean air and water, what has he done to stop the natural oil seeps in this area? … “In 1999, two peer-reviewed studies found that natural seepage in the northern Santa Barbara Channel “was significantly reduced by oil production,” he concluded. Researchers found that seepage declined 50 percent over two decades because, “as oil was pumped from the reservoir, the pressure that drives natural seepage dropped.”….

  7. Such a flurry of press releases from our do-nothing congressperson, Salud Carbajal. What is the fine line between using public funds for campaign purposes and suspiciously-timed official, tax payer funded press releases? Thanks for wasting the last two years on a fools errand in Congress and not getting anything else done. Time to go, Salud.

  8. Salud and everyone in his office better practice what they preach… No more flights to DC, and Sacramento, No more driving gas powered vehicles, no more UPS and FED EX deliveries, no more cushions on their recliners and couches….etc, etc…

  9. Thank you, Salud, for protecting our environment. As a native Californian, I appreciate your efforts. We need a move away from fossil fuels and the fossil fuel industry. Clean green energy is the way to go. From the comments here, you’d think that none of these people ever go to the beach or go hiking or get out into nature and really love it. Money is not everything.

  10. Anyone voting for salud is insane. You know, doing the same thing over and over again wanting a different result…
    When has salud voted against the party line? He 100% votes in lockstep with Nancy. Wasted time and resources on the scam impeachment.
    Now a fake bill which is literally DOA if it gets to the senate.
    I guess party line salud put out this bogus waste of time for votes from the TDS infected crowd in Santa Barbara.
    Turn off Fox News, CNN, MSDNC, etc and think for yourself. Try using something called Common Sense.

  11. Common sense for one person is nuttiness for another person. Most of us would not vote for the losers the Repubs put up (Farid, Chris Mitchum, Andy Colab) for anything. Bring back a moderate like Brooks Firestone and maybe you would have a chance.

  12. did not miss the point, got it exactly. It is possible to drive a car and also work toward energy self-sufficiency at the same time. I would agree that driving a Hummer and oursourcing petroleum production to Venezuela is not a green or viable solution.

  13. 12:02, it is not clear to me how your complaints about this successful politician will change reality. What he is doing is clearly working for him, and a majority of us support him. But keep butting your head against the demographic wall if you want.

  14. You did miss the point, pushing for green alternatives and energy self-sufficiency does not equate to getting our oil from somewhere else. Somewhere that most likely has much less stringent environmental controls than what would be in place in our county. If they truly wanted to be as environmentally friendly as possible (while acknowledging that petroleum is still a critical part to our society and economy) they should push for drilling oil here where it can be closely monitored, tight environmental controls put in place, and where oil taxation can be directed towards green endeavors. By saying “don’t drill here”, they mean “drill somewhere else (NIMBY)”.

  15. Firestone supports Caldwell–if he ever was a moderate, he no longer is. Look at Caldwell’s endorsements: “Please crush Slick Salud, this man only represents immigrants”, “He’s not afraid to stand up against the socialist agenda that’s trying to turn California into Commifornia”, “Andy is one of the most ethical and morally honest people around” — LOL! Of course Denice “he’s an Arab!” Abrams is on that list of deplorables endorsing Caldwell.

  16. Now that the USA is energy independent, we don’t get rocked by events in the middle east…isn’t that a good thing for our country? Gas prices have dropped , who wants to go back to paying higher prices to fill up…. ridiculous pandering.

  17. Dr. Valentine at UCSB has done extensive studies on the oil seeps. Conclusion? “Research has yet to prove that a decrease in oil production leads to an increase in oil seepage, says David Valentine, professor of Earth sciences and biology at UC Santa Barbara.
    But, Valentine adds, studies have shown that long-term gas production can diminish the amount of gas that enters the atmosphere, and the seeps in the vicinity of Holly are a major source of air pollution in Santa Barbara County.

  18. Just another thinly veiled political stunt to capture more votes from his blind followers. Carbajal is a career politician who makes a career out of never getting anything done. Is, has been, and always will be a puppet.

  19. Hypocritical NIMBY’s. If you consume petroleum products yet ban drilling where you live, you are doing nothing for OUR environment, just YOUR environment, essentially outsourcing the negative aspects of drilling to another area, most likely one with less stringent environmental regulations and/or a local population with no say in the matter.

  20. Will teachers and government employees finally accept smaller pensions so their pension funds can divest their fossil fuel investments? That is a great place to start. Lead by example, public pension beneficiaries. ….. “The (children’s) march and die-in were organized by Fossil Free California’s youth allies at Earth Guardians, Youth vs. Apocalypse, Sunrise Movement and several other grassroots organizations, said Vanessa Warheit, executive director of Fossil Free California that is advocating for divestment of fossil fuels by investors, including the $254.1 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the $401.7 billion California Public Employees’ Retirement System, Sacramento….”

  21. You only wish many of these responses were written only by Caldwell, because then you could continue to believe political winds have not yet shifting in this town. There are many voices now who understand what being one-party town has done to us – not good. Try reading the N-P Sunday Voices section so you can hear the emerging new voices coming from many parts of this community – no, this is not just Andy Caldwell talking. Not by a long shot. Keep insulting, keep dismissing, keep mocking …. but remember what that same attitude accomplished only a few years ago. Time to debate the issues and matters of substance; not just name calling. The future of our city is worth it.

  22. I think Andy is writing some of these responses. You know it’s Andy when the piece is full of snark and arrogance. Go to the COLAB website and read the newsletter to learn what Andy’s positions are on vaccination (against), public education (against), etc. He goes way beyond labor, agriculture, and business in his tirades. Love how someone below (Andy?) writes about the ‘twisted sisters’, again an anti-woman slur. Andy is getting paid the big bucks (see COLAB financial statement). He is a career lobbyist. Don’t let those plaid ‘ah shucks’ shirts fool you.

  23. Does he have a choice? He needs to be in DC to vote, and he needs to come home to talk to his constituents. If you have a transporter invention you are hanging on to, please share it with us. Otherwise your criticism is unfair.

  24. Except that as they pump, they also inject wastewater to keep the pore pressures high. So they are not reducing the reservoir pressures and seeps. If they did, they might cause big earthquakes as the 2 of the biggest in CA occurred in Long Beach and Santa Barbara during periods of maximum oil extraction and no reinjection. Sorry science is so complicated but that’s just how it is. Also, I’m not sure it is the job of humans to stop “natural” processes. Although climate change might stop a lot of “natural” processes.

  25. PITMIX: I see the success of your movement already winning the hearts and minds of every car and truck driver I still see whizzing by on 101. Fossil fuel is natural and 100% organic. Nature’s gift. Use it and eventually we shall lose it. That is called gradualism. Ever consider eliminating particulate matter in the air is leading to higher temperatures? Some scientists are on to this and promote injecting new forms of particulate matter into the atmosphere in order to produce “global cooling”.

  26. You can cross the country in 3 days by train. He can keep phoning in his party line votes to Wash DC, where he will not be missed. Then still stick around locally to pose somberly, looking caring and concerned, behind any visiting official who can bring him more media attention. Not sure exactly what Salud Carbajal does do for his local constituents because he certainly does not reflect my interests So the necessity of his presence anywhere , here or there, remains a mystery. I assume however he is a good family man. Dads are good. Kudos to Salud for that. We need someone in Washington who does their own homework, knows what needs to be done and does not waste our tax dollars on vanity party-line”legislation”.

  27. What about “astral consent?” Do we ponder how a meteor might slam into planet Earth, obliterating life as we know it? Meanwhile, carry on, business as usual. Larger forces at work, right? It’s out of our hands. We’ve got the go ahead to continue to rape and despoil our planet unconscionably because, well, heck——might as well. Kinda sounds like The Rapture type thinking to me.

  28. Who best protects our coast? A do-nothing incumbent Congressman who pretends to object to a non-existent pipeline going from no where to no where, hundreds of miles away from the coast. Or a Congressman challenger who can work with federal officials and programs who have already demonstrated willingness and urgency to clean up the filthy vagrancy camps that are directly threatening our California coastline, as we speak? The federal EPA does police property owners who maintain hazardous toxic waste sites. Federal Transportation Agency can stop the misues of RR corridors for vagrancy camps and crime corridors. Trump is willing; Carson is willing; and even Gov Gavis Newsom is finally catching on. When has Salud Carbajal done anything to work with federal and state officials to get this urgent threat to our coastal waters and our coastal environment cleaned up? Never.

  29. Carbajal is just another useless Democrat trying to stir up support and sympathy by promoting photo-ops and bills that do do nothing except create more restrictions and do nothing to actually solve difficult issues. Look at his voting record – it is always 100% Democratic party-line, and look where that has gotten our once-great state. He now words his email messages in Spanish as well as English, which I consider offensive and pandering to his hoped-for voter base. If you are an illegal immigrant then he will protect, harbor, and defend you to the max. Of course in California, there are plenty of rules for those who obey the rules, but no rules for people who don’t obey the rules. And while I won’t be voting for Senior Carbajal, I see no reason for all the Andy Calwell bashing posted in this thread; at least he tells it like it is and doesn’t hide behind the hypocritical “I’m a nice guy and only care about you and the environment” facade.

  30. Brooks Firestone is in bed with the oil industry. He gets all kinds of subsidies from the oil industry on his property in SY Valley. Not to mention how his family got their money in the first place, destroying the forests in South America. Firestone did plenty of damage in SB County during his brief stint on the BOS. It took years to undo some of the shady deals along our precious Gaviota Coast. Firestone and his family, to include young Andrew (to my knowledge) , align themselves with Andy Caldwell who is no moderate. If you support Andy, as the Firestone family does, you support an anti-woman, anti-public school, anti-science, and pro-fossil fuel agenda.

  31. Salud Carbajal has done nothing to protect the coast. The biggest issue our coast faces are the hordes of vagrancy camps up and down coastal California. Carbajal has done zero to eliminate this direct and immediate threat to the California coast: massive amounts of fecal contamination, debris, little, shanty towns, fires and drug-running corridors. Where is any evidence Carbajal has worked with HUD Secretary Ben Carson to use federal powers to eliminate this coastal Caliornia threat. Where has Carbajal shown any initiative working with the federal regulations and force Union Pacific to rid the train tracks of this vagrancy camp hazard that affects our important coastal transportation route. Why hasn’t Carbajal joined President Trump in using the full powers of the EPA to clean up these heavily polluting vagrancy camp hazards which are immediate therats to public and environmental health and safety. It is a myth Salud Carbajal has proctected our coast. He has not lifted a finger. Time has run out. Time someone who will actually get things done about this massive vagrancy camp invasion of coastal California; not just schedule photo ops pretending to do something of no merit or impact whatsoever. Why hasn’t Carbajal worked with the two top Californian in the House to get this done – majority leader Pelosi and minority leader McCarthy and rid us of this coastal California vagrancy mess? Carbajal has betrayed coastal California. He has not earned even another minute in this office. Carbajal is beyond useless.

  32. *****Warning- Rant detected******. Try providing some actual solutions to these problems instead of criticizing someone who is bound by our legal and ethical system. To my knowledge the EPA does not have a security force with arresting powers to do what you suggest. Or maybe you think writing out tickets or suing them in court is a solution to the homeless problem?

  33. No, we are saying exactly what I said, we want to stop the drilling everywhere and use green alternatives to help the environment, and by the the way keep our planet habitable for people too. We are not trying to keep drilling in the US or anywhere els.e

  34. The pay off for Democrats pushing more Big Government is the voting block it creates. Then elections become an existential face off between the highly disciplined Big Government interests, and the rest of us. Just can’t stay home any more, or say things will never change so my vote does not matter. They have changed, and not for the good. First rule, the candidate who raises the most money from public sector union interests is NOT the best candidate. Break the grip the public sector unions now have on this body politic. That is the first step. Then hold any successor’s feet to the fire when we see a Democrat vs Democrat jungle primaries. Don’t let them sell out as soon as they get elected.

  35. I was born in Los Angles in the 1950s, so as a long-time resident I can tell you things used to be much better in terms of crime, gangs, cost of living, taxes, traffic, government restrictions, profitable business opportunities, personal freedoms, freedom of speech, homelessness, etc, etc. Of course, like most young people, I was a staunch Democrat and supported all those progressive policies for a long time until several years ago when I came to realize what a money-grab state this was becoming. Those who claim “California has never been better” must not have lived here that long or else wear blinders and don’t mind everything negative that has been mentioned. Or perhaps you enjoy the government trying to control every aspect of your life and your business, while also imposing their moral values on you. Other than the weather, this former “Golden” state is in trouble, it’s sinking, and people like Newsom and Carbajal are not helping. There is a reason large companies and many of the remaining middle class are leaving. There is no way to change what’s going on because of radical, liberal one-party dominant voting element. I have capitulated, which is why my wife and I will be joining the exodus ourselves next year. Adios, good riddance, and we won’t miss you a bit, but it is a shame so many California natives have been driven out. So we will be leaving you with a populace comprised mainly of Democrats, the very wealthy, the poor, legal immigrants, the illegals, and the criminals whom the judicial systems sees fit to release from prison. Good luck.

  36. “Listen to what they are saying” — We do … that’s how we know that they are intellectually and morally bankrupt. “so many more today are agreeing with them” — see, there’s an example. The majority of your neighbors are NOT stupid ignorant lying racist misogynist sociopathic trash, and that’s why they vote for Democrats.

  37. At 01:36 pm: If I’m not mistaken, the GOP initially thought Trump couldn’t win, either, and didn’t support him financially in the beginning. Of course, with the highly dominant Democratic voter base here, you may be correct in assuming the GOP doesn’t want to throw good money at a possibly lost cause. It’s interesting that many of Caldwell’s campaign contributions have come from individuals and small local businesses, unlike Carbajal, whose political financial donor list reads like a who’s who of big money, big government, and lobby groups. But I wouldn’t be so quick to state Caldwell has no chance to win; to quote Comrade Bolshevik Bernie, “Everything’s impossible until it happens.” I think a lot of Independents and even some moderate Democrats are getting fed up with where the Democratic party has taken this state and country and where it plans to go; there are certainly a lot of negative comments about Carbajal on this thread. The recent polls show Trump’s approval rating at the highest level ever, even higher than Obama’s and certainly Clinton’s at the same point in their Presidency’s. Given the amount of pleading requests I receive from Adam Schiff for money (the Democratic party must think I’m still one of them, as I used to be registered as a Democrat), I sense there is fear spreading among the Democrats that voters are shifting away from their radical progressive agendas and moving to the Right. Time will tell with the 2020 elections.

  38. BIGONE jest makes it up as he / she goes along. Caldwell has no GOP opponents unlike Don Dump during the 2016 primary. Andy is a lost cause and the GOP is unwilling to waste money on his campaign. Yes one poll puts Trump’s approval rating higher than his disapproval rating. Every other poll still shows more that more Americans disapprove than approve of the Orange Outrage. In February 2012 Obama had an approval rating of 48% vs Dump’s current rating of 43%. Just another MAGA cultist with a vague connection to facts and reality.

  39. Really 04:13? Au contraire, mon ami. I think it is the liberal camp that are cultists and far removed from reality with their TDS and vague connection to facts. Read the latest Gallup numbers below. You must all be worried with 43% of Independents now approving Trump, the highest yet. He will be reelected, and there is nothing the weak Democratic party candidates can do about that but continue to whine for the next five years. Of course, Democrats hate Trump and people like Caldwell, just as conservatives support Trump and Caldwell. I’m sure if a poll was taken of Carbajal, the numbers would speak the same. The division in this country continues, and contrary to the Left’s assessment, it is NOT being driven by the Right. Perhaps if the Left would support at least some of the current Administration’s goals, we wouldn’t be so divided. By the way, the Gallup poll, considered one of the most objective and accurate polls by many, and mentioned here, indicated Obama was at a 45% approval rating between February 27-March 4 in the same time period in the White House Trump occupancy period, so I’m not sure where you are getting your data. So,
    from Gallup six days ago ” President Donald Trump’s job approval remains elevated at 49% in the latest Gallup poll, the same as in the previous poll and up five points from an early January poll conducted before Trump was acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial.
    As in the prior poll, conducted Jan. 16-29, the approval rating from the Feb. 3-16 poll reflects record polarization for a single Gallup poll, with 87 percentage points separating the ratings of Republicans (93%) and Democrats (6%). Forty-three percent of independents approve of Trump, the highest rating for him among the group to date. President Trump’s approval rating remains at a personal best 49%.

  40. Whoosh! The BIG point went way over your ONE head. You attacking Bernie for channeling a great heroic opponent of racism and oppression is a typical bad look. (The idea actually goes back a lot further than Mandela, to Pliny the Elder.)

  41. Didn’t attack Bernie JQB. Complimented him for saying the impossible is possible as a rebuttal to the other comment that Caldwell could not possibly beat Carbajal. But, of course, anything the Right says is construed as RACIST and FASCIST to the Left. Typical of you folks. Many of us wish the radical Left would stop sowing your seeds of hatred and bitterness directed at conservatives and start doing something to heal this country’s division.

  42. The Texiera family is the same one that has tried to put their farmworkers in inadequate and substandard housing in Santa Maria. They bought some old junkie motels and turned them into farm labor camps. I think they are the same ones that bought some houses in residential single family areas and then tried to turn them into dormitories. So Andy the ‘government watchdog’ has some dubious bedfellows . I have always wondered how he is paid to write his editorials in the Newspress and then prints the same ones in the COLAB newsletter. And getting paid by both? How is he able to run for public office and still have that platform in the Newspress? Go to the COLAB website and follow the money. I support agriculture but in every industry you have some shady characters that don’t follow the rules. Adam Family, this other family. Not the good guys of agriculture.

  43. Spot on!!! Every point you make is accurate. Carbajal was the water boy for Naomi Schwartz. He was a boot-licking puppet for the Dem party back then, and he still is. Salude: ILLEGAL immigration is not the same as LEGAL immigration. Illegal is illegal. Start adhering to Federal law and your oath of office.

  44. Cons are out in force today with their anonymous internet con jobs. It must be frustrating to have your candidates lose elections time after time. You can always move to the Central Valley to be around like-minded people…..

  45. I use a different fuel for my car, but who really gives a sh!t? You’re predictable and boring. Same old stale and tired bla-bla-bla. The one thing you didn’t mention is that, you are only fueling your tank with 90% or so gasoline.
    The rest of it is recycled crap that you regurgitate after consuming your outrage media. So many victims, poor, poor bros who are being battered by all the hippies and women and minorities and environmentalists.
    Poor, poor, you.

  46. Progs/Libs are squirming in discomfort today, because they are used to hearing only their side of the debate. Yes, it has been unhappy to witness what has happened after voters post 1999, let this become a one-party town, county and state. You got that one right, PitMix. Now you are demanding authoritarian censorship as well? That might be a bridge too far, as witnessed also by the growing voices of dissent against this one-party mess we find ourselves in today.

  47. Must be many newbie con commentators here. Santa Barbara was a GOP stronghold for over a century and guess what? During the “good ole days” there were homeless camping in the bushes, defecating in public, and aggressively panhandling. Now they think that a Congressman should have a magic wand.

  48. You misrepresent the “good old days” as well as Carbajal’s refusal to take the extended hand of the US President who wanted to use whatever federal powers were available to clean up this ever expanding vagrancy mess. Child’s Estate was a working man’s self-governing encampment on private property, with strict no alcohol rules. The Fig Tree hobos and drug dealers moved on to greener pastures when the stop signs were eliminated on 101. Then we lost control after Mayor Harriet Miller days when we had a string of “progressive” city councils. Now we have a plague in numbers, costs, drugs, needles, feces and urine, creeks pollutions and seriousness of health and safety dangers to the rest of us. Yet people are more worried about 67 reported cases of the corona virus in the entire US? Something smells fishy in your distorted re-telling of the “good old days”.

  49. If you are going to quote part of the SLO article about Caldwell, why are you omitting the info about questionable Carbajal donations from lobbyists and other donors? Carbajal has raised over $1.2 million this election cycle from a variety of individuals, businesses, and political action committees, many of which are questionable. That is more than twice what Caldwell has raised and if you think all of Carbajal’s and other politicians donors are “clean” you’d be a fool. Ironically and typically hypocritical, it has been accurately reported that many donors associated with the oil and gas industry are Carbajal donors, both currently and in the past. As mentioned by another individual here, Caldwell is amending his financial records and I doubt he was even aware there were errors and discrepancies in reporting since he has a treasurer who handles those filings. There is another post here that is asking how Caldwell is able to run for public office and have a platform in the News Press and COLAB. There is nothing wrong with that, and if you disagree, you only have to read the Los Angeles Times to see all the free space they allow Adam Schiff and Kamala Harris to post their op-eds. Sorry folks, Carbajal has got to go. Don’t let yourselves be duped by him. This one-party state is destroying California and positive change has to happen. And that may mean being viewed by voters as politically incorrect if we expect this state to get back on track. Being “nice” like Newsom on down the Democratic political ladder to elected officials like Carbajal and Morillo is only hurting this state. As my Jesuit teacher in high school was fond of saying to us, “Mister, the truth often hurts.”

  50. Caldwell is just the last in a line of empty suit, lambs to the slaughter, that the local, weak, GOP rolls out every two years. He will join that illustrious roll of losers: Justin, I am kinda an ex football star Fareed X2, Chris, Cracked Actor, Mitchum. ect.

  51. It should be noted that The McClatchy Company owns the San Luis Tribune where Caldwell’s (and Carbajal’s) financial records were reported. They are a left-leaning politically biased company (like most of the MSM these days and even smaller publications like our local Independent) so it is not hard to imagine they bash conservative Republicans and endorse Democratic lackeys like Carbajal. When I look at all of these leftist media outlets and what candidates and bills they endorse, influencing easily deceived voters who don’t take the time to look critically at all sides, it is easy to see how California has become a disaster in so may ways.

  52. I’m only surrounded by con-speak because most of the rational people have been driven off Edhat by the Limbaugh loonies. They don’t enjoy countering diatribes with rational discourse like I do. The comments on Edhat are majority anti-Salud, anti-Murillo, pro-Trump, pro-drilling, and yet all of these ideas are consistently defeated at the polls in our community. But keep banging your head against a wall if you want. Maybe it will make you see the light?

  53. Alex, Carbajal has done nothing except vote stupid, destructive party-lines, waste time bashing Trump, and assisting in California’s downhill spiral. I would like to give Caldwell a chance because no one can be worse than Carbajal, unless, of course you like fellow Democrats like Newsom, Becerra, Padilla, Limon, Pelosi, Schiff, Harris, Waters, and Murillo.

  54. More people like Newsome, Becerra, Padilla, Limon, Pelosi, Schiff, Harris, Waters, and Murillo than their opponents. That is why they are elected to office over and over again. Come on you Tea Party Marching Society types: Elections have consequences. Run a candidate that is something other than a reactionary bomb throwing MAGA caveman and you might just win an election.

  55. Surprise! Caldwell’s financial disclosure forms for donations to his campaign have turned out to be riddled with errors and illegal donations. In his defense. he said he doesn’t understand campaign finance laws. What a twit.

  56. GOP just can’t beat the Democrat when it comes to name-calling and the politics of personal destruction. Democrats are too well funded by the public sector unions. Take away their guaranteed special public employee interest money, rank and file block voting, and now vote harvesting and a slew of lat minute “provisional” balloting, and it might be a fair fight again. However, they have locked up the system in just a few short years since this public sector union takeover moved into the power vacuum created by term limits.

  57. Yes, “more people like” the California Democrats mentioned. And look what they have done to this state,, now considered the worst by most of the country except fellow liberal, “progressive” states like New York and Illinois who are also have high-density cities that are crime, drug, traffic, and illegal immigrant and homeless havens. Yes, elections have consequences, and in the case of California’s elected Democratic officials, it has proven a disaster over the past 20 years. If these liberal idiots keep getting elected by “people who like them” it’s only going to get worse.

  58. Actually California has been a lot better. It used to have the best public schools in the nation, but now they are consistently ranked #45 or lower. It never used to have a trillion dollar unfunded public pension obligation, that is getting passed on to the younger generation to pay off. Don’t confuse the private economic success of the 1% high tech oligarchs who mainly reside in Silicon Valley and pay 50% of the state income taxes, with the wide swath of malaise inflicted on this state by the one-party public sector interests. Voters are finally catching on as this one-party state is over-stepping itself with more and more draconian interference with their daily lives – public pension demands crowding out public infrastructure maintenance, private gig economy prohibitions; wiping out local zoning, imposing social engineering demands on private sector business decisions, leaving the state vulnerable to fires and floods because of “environmental” sell outs, just to name a few. Trying now to tamper with Prop 13 protections too. Do you follow the news at all? Or do you just want to push this distorted one- party Democrat party line?

  59. Carbajal is grandstanding for his radical Democrat base. Stopping oil drilling does nothing because it just means more oil is imported by oil tanker through out coastline to replace it. CA brings in 1.2 million barrels a day by oil tanker meaning an oil tanker spill disaster is waiting to happen every day. Why would Carbajal want to increase the amount of imported oil in CA? That is a very good question. Why do Democrats want to increase the probability of a major coastal oil spill? Why are environmental groups behind this? The only way to reduce fossil fuel use is by limiting gasoline consumption at the gas pump and limiting natural gas consumption in the home. That will accomplish something. Carbajal’s grandstanding does nothing.

  60. Carbajal is grandstanding for his radical Democrat base. Stopping oil drilling does nothing because it just means more oil is imported by oil tanker through out coastline to replace it. CA brings in 1.2 million barrels a day by oil tanker meaning an oil tanker spill disaster is waiting to happen every day. Why would Carbajal want to increase the amount of imported oil in CA? That is a very good question. Why do Democrats want to increase the probability of a major coastal oil spill? Why are environmental groups behind this? The only way to reduce fossil fuel use is by limiting gasoline consumption at the gas pump and limiting natural gas consumption in the home. That will accomplish something. Carbajal’s grandstanding does nothing.

  61. Carbajal is grandstanding for his radical Democrat base. Stopping oil drilling does nothing because it just means more oil is imported by oil tanker through out coastline to replace it. CA brings in 1.2 million barrels a day by oil tanker meaning an oil tanker spill disaster is waiting to happen every day. Why would Carbajal want to increase the amount of imported oil in CA? That is a very good question. Why do Democrats want to increase the probability of a major coastal oil spill? Why are environmental groups behind this? The only way to reduce fossil fuel use is by limiting gasoline consumption at the gas pump and limiting natural gas consumption in the home. That will accomplish something. Carbajal’s grandstanding does nothing.

Appliance Fire

Underground Storage Tank Project Begins