Source: City of Santa Barbara
Picnic areas are now closed and group activities in parks are prohibited, the City of Santa Barbara Parks and Recreation Department announced today.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, all group activities in City parks are prohibited until further notice. This includes use of picnic areas, and is intended to help the public practice safe social distancing during the current statewide stay-at-home order. Park users must refrain from group activities in parks even with groups from the same household or fitness groups, though passive recreation such as walking or running as individuals or in pairs following the minimum six-foot social distance requirement is allowed.
Signs will be posted in parks to explain the picnic site closures and the new policy regarding group activities.
City parks are open during their usual hours of sunrise to one half hour after sunset, with the exception of three lesser-used parks: Franceschi Park, Hilda McIntyre Ray Park, and Skofield Park are closed. When using parks, please continue to practice safe social distancing by keeping a physical distance of at least six feet between yourself and others and moving to allow plenty of room when passing others on lawns or pathways. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often, avoid touching surfaces, and don’t touch your face.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
-Charles Darwin, 1809
SHASTA – yes exactly, if there are others we don’t go. That’s how we have to do it. There’s plenty of outdoor space we can visit, we just need to be safe. Not sure why that is so objectionable to so many people here!
Who is disagreeing with me saying to report a spitting cyclist?
“even with groups from the same household???” So, I can’t go to the park with my family anymore? Why? This is absolutely asinine and going too far. If families can’t go to the park or beach even if they all live in the same house, then why have anything open at all? Shut it all down. This kind of absolutism will result in rebellion. I for one, will still be going outdoors to walk in the park with my family. Sorry folks, but families at the beach/park are not the groups to be concerned with!
Your comment is indicative of why there are so many epicenters and why this virus is running wild.
This is why the virus is growing uncontrolled. You are putting your family at risk if an individual that is a carrier comes in contact or had had contact with material that your family comes in contact with. A large percentage of COVID-19 carriers do not show any symptoms. Please stay home and not even take the chance. The hospitals do not need any more patients and we can all do your part. Trust me, we would all love to continue going to the beach, park, etc. and act like everything is normal…but it is not.
It is amazing how many people can’t grasp or refuse to adhere to the 6 foot distancing when walking. And the bicyclists zoom by right next to you!
If my family goes to the beach, or walks in the park, and we avoid all other people (as we’ve been doing for weeks), then it’s still to dangerous? How? And why then, have we not completely shut down everything? If families can’t safely maintain a distance from others in a wide open space, then everything needs to be shut down now. No more allowing individuals to run or walk…. they are just as high a risk as a family keeping distance. No. This needs to be all or nothing. That, I can accept. But, saying families are now banned from walking through the park while still allowing individuals or pairs to do so? This is absurd!
11:14 – what, besides sand or cement or grass, are “carriers” coming into contact with at the beach? When we go to the beach/park, we walk. We aren’t touching playground equipment, we aren’t licking bathroom doors, we are walking and keeping our hands to ourselves as we get fresh air. If the concern is possibly touching something that is contaminated, then ALL outdoor activity (even walking in your neighborhood) must be stopped. For the length of time we are going to be dealing with this, banning all outdoor activity will result in people violating the rule and being jailed for being outside. Is that what you want? Is that what we need?
SHASTA – I have. It says “passive recreation such as walking or running as individuals or in pairs following the minimum six-foot social distance requirement is allowed.” It deliberately says “individuals or in pairs.” In another press release, I saw language saying this also applied to families, meaning families (groups from the same household) were not allowed to be in the parks. I will contact the City to confirm this though.
MINIBEAST – exactly! That is why we need to adapt and be able to still go outdoors in a safe manner.
SHASTA – I will start sewing some family uniforms now hahaha! Yeah, this sucks big time, but we can get through it with some common sense adaptations and reasonable closures. March forth!
Going outside unnecessarily is one thing. Getting outdoors with the kids so they can run on the sand and get some air is necessary for peoples’ mental well being. We can do it, just be safe and smart!
This virus is incredibly dangerous. That’s why we are scared. You have a horrible attitude
SBNATV – Incredibly selfish. shortsighted, and willfully ignorant.
CHIP – Incredibly selfish. shortsighted, and willfully ignorant.
There is no way physical distancing will be enforced for months. This policy is unsustainable. In NYC burglaries of businesses have nearly doubled already and they are preparing for civil unrest. Some say I am putting the economy ahead of human life. I say, do not underestimate the impact of the economy on human life. The economy is human life, it is the beating heart of civilization. Without it, we are in serious trouble. If you think the virus is dangerous, consider what enforcing isolation for several months would look like and how dangerous that would be. Contemplate how many people died as a result of the Great Depression, and how the depression contributed to or perhaps even caused WWII. We cannot hide from the virus forever, and so far all the countries that were able to suppress the outbreak early on are seeing an explosion of new cases as soon as they relax their isolation measures. I’m not saying it’s wrong to try to slow the spread, but I think we need to be realistic about our approach. Keeping people working and keeping the economy running is absolutely essential to human life. We don’t want to destroy ourselves in a futile attempt to stop the virus.
SBNATV, I agree completely. I think a lot of people fail to realize the economy is essential to human life. Yes, the virus might kill a significant number of people. Economic damage will kill too. In order to have electricity, food, fuel, medicine, hospitals, and even toilet paper, a functioning economy is essential. If you destroy the economy, those things will no longer be available. People will fight, commit suicide, starve to death, die from treatable diseases, start riots, and perhaps even start wars. Do not underestimate the importance of the economy. It’s not just about money. Let me put it this way, how many people are you willing to kill to stop the virus?
SBNATIV, you write: “And BTW…after reading comments why the heck is everyone so scared of a virus? The real danger is in economic collapse and the effects therefrom and going insane. We only have now.” Lemme break it down for you: If people are DEAD, there IS NO economy. And “we only have now”? Really? This is why Greta Thunberg gets pissed with Boomers. Because Boomers have that mentality of “we only have now”, and look at the mess the whole world is in. And you LIVE IN SANTA BARBARA. Isn’t climate change of concern to you? But I guess it doesn’t matter because “we only have now”. Jesus, no wonder we’re screwed…..
Chip – Your last sentence is so Looney Tunes that it would be comical if it weren’t so dangerously stupid.
Closing parks, beaches and any public area is unconstitutional AND unhealthy. These are the people’s space and no entity has the right to close them. When I need a nanny , I will call mom and not government. Mental and physical well being are of upmost importance at this time, so government demands I obey and locks me in my house? Makes sense? And BTW…after reading comments why the heck is everyone so scared of a virus? The real danger is in economic collapse and the effects therefrom and going insane. We only have now.