Fencing installed at Skatepark located at Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park
Source: City of Goleta
The City of Goleta has taken additional measures to prevent the spread of COVID 19 and ensure social distancing requirements at public parks and open spaces. As of today, April 3, 2020, basketball, pickleball, tennis and volleyball courts as well as group picnic areas are closed throughout the City. As a reminder, use of the skatepark, playground equipment and exercise equipment is also prohibited. The decision was made in response to the rapidly evolving Coronavirus crisis and the ever increasing need to follow strict social distancing guidelines. The action also follows growing concern over gatherings at open space areas that essentially put our entire community at risk,
To help enforce the City’s new restrictions, fencing has been installed around the skatepark located at Jonny D. Wallis Neighborhood Park and nets were removed from all basketball, pickleball and volleyball courts throughout the City. Tennis courts are locked and off limits. Fencing was also installed at group picnic areas. Signage indicating the closures are posted at all impacted sites. There will be increased visibility of Goleta Police around the closure areas.

While we are fortunate in Goleta to have many great outdoor spaces to get much needed mental and physical breaks, it’s imperative that the six feet social distancing requirement is followed at all times. Also, we ask that community members follow the City’s Municipal Code requiring dogs to be on a leash while in a public space unless otherwise posted. This includes the Ellwood Bluffs.
Mayor Paula Perotte said, “We tend to see more people gathering in parks and neighborhoods on the weekends and want to remind our community members to not get complacent. As tempting as it may be to have a gathering outdoors, experts tell us that COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate and can easily spread to extended families and strangers. They recommend that you go out to get some fresh air with people in your own household and please choose an area where you can still practice social distancing.”
Santa Barbara County Second District Supervisor Gregg Hart said, “We are asking everyone to be smart about our current situation. For example, if you want to go hiking and see a lot of cars at the trailhead, try shifting to walking in your own neighborhood. There are many wonderful things to discover in your own neighborhood and you have a much better chance to keep social distance with the space available on a sidewalk than a single-track trail in the foothills.”
Before heading outside to get some exercise, please review these important guidelines from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) below and visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
- Refrain from using parks or trails if you are exhibiting symptoms.
- Follow the CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to and during use of parks or trails.
- Prepare for limited access to public restrooms or water fountains.
- While on trails, warn other users of your presence as you pass, and step aside to let others pass.
- Observe CDC’s minimum recommended social distancing of 6 feet from other individuals at all times. If this is not possible, users should find an alternate location or depart that space.
- Consult local and state ordinances and guidelines for the most up to date recommendations on park and trail use.
The Stay at Home Order for California issued by Governor Newsom on March 19, 2020, urges people to stay home as much as possible. People can go out for essential needs such as food, healthcare needs, caring for a relative or friend, and to get fresh air by going for a walk, run, or bike ride alone or with those you live with. Learn more about the Stay at Home Order here.

Mesa lane beach is packed right now. People just won’t listen
Just saw a large group of adults walking by Nurture Cottage on coast village road. Not ok
why is this not ok? your not providing any details…. this group could be all walking six feet apart, they could all be living together. You can’t just saw everyone who is outside is not ok or won’t listen. People could be following all the guidelines and still be outside
Because, you know, standing 50 feet away from somebody on a tennis court is a prime way to transfer the virus.
cause, yeah a flying green fabric covered ball is very “sterile”
Only one person going to handle the ball? Going right after each other through gates, and both putting your hands on the gates, etc.?
I am wondering, are there still employees (besides police and fire) in the city of Goleta and the City of Santa Barbara, getting paid, with extra time now without the public service aspect of their jobs? Why couldn’t these cities have people at the various parks and ask/tell people about the physical distancing rather than just shutting down the parks? Or, at the least, they should itemize for their public how many employees have been laid off, how many remain, in which jobs and why they have to close PUBLIC parks and yet keep paying employees.
People…get out of your house and go enjoy YOUR beaches and parks. You will die of going insane from being isolated inside your home before the souped up cold gets you. Health of mind and body is most important now.
Welcome to living in a Police State where everyone lives in fear of one another and getting reported if you aren’t keeping the required distance. The media has whipped up such hysteria and it’s really entertaining to watch all you fools.
Now there’s some cognitive dissonance for you.
You’ll really be entertained by your future view of the hospital ceiling.