Sonic Boom?

By an edhat reader

Was there just a sonic boom or earthquake at about 12:36pm? I’m in the Noleta area, and felt a sizable, momentary shake of the house that got me (on my crutches), jumping out the front door.

I thought I might have felt something a couple of hours ago, also momentary, but not as powerful.



Written by Anonymous

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  1. Having worked at Edwards AFB for several years and subjected to daily sonic booms, what struck me about the rumbling sounds I heard yesterday and twice today was was the length of time the sound seemed to linger, more like a rocket than a sonic boom… my best guess is maybe a sonic boom over the ocean and then the sound echoing off our Santa Ynez Mountains. I called a friend at Edwards, who said ‘what sonic boom’ which would be a standard response from someone out there because they are so common. But he also said no SST testing happening currently at NASA Armstrong or Plant 42, not that he’s all-knowing.

  2. This rumble had two threads on NextDoor also, with no answers. Nor did any news outlet pick it up. I have a strange observation that makes it more mysterious. I often feel some sort of energy wave before earthquakes, even at a distance. I’ve read animals pick up on this also. In this case, I felt nothing before, but after I was hit by several waves, to the point that I felt dizzy. What would release that?

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