By edhat staff
A video is going viral of a white woman in the Gelson’s parking lot calling 9-1-1 claiming she feels threatened after she damages another person’s vehicle and refuses to provide insurance.
The Instagram paged titled “Karen’s Going Wild” published the video on Wednesday stating the woman called 9-1-1 on a Latin man stating he was “threatening her” after he asked for her insurance information.
The term “Karen” is a slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors. In the past year, the term has gained traction as videos have gone viral showing white women engaging in racist acts, according to
It appears the video was captured in front of the Cox Communications building in the parking lot of the Gelson’s market on upper State Street. The man who captured the video claims the woman damaged his vehicle as he shows a large scrape across the passenger side mirror and is refusing to provide her insurance information because he “looks a certain way.”
“I do want to give you the insurance I just gotta call 911 first,” the woman is heard saying on the video. She’s then seen yelling at the man stating “I’m afraid of you” as he calmly asks for her insurance.
At the end of the video, the woman admits she doesn’t have her insurance information. Under California Vehicle Code Section 16029, it is illegal to drive a vehicle without evidence of financial responsibility.
He’s confusing her? Do most people call 911 because they’re confused?
Edhat “news” hitting all new an all new low. wow.
Hitting too close to home DBD?
Joe, were you there? Based on the video the woman admits to hitting his car. Listen to it again.
JOEG – BS on what? He shows the damage. Do you think he just made this up?
Does menopause make you racist?
“Emotionally unstable menopause years”? Wow.
248, the 1950s are calling. They miss you and want you back. Sounds like you need to read a few books yourself. May I suggest some that have been written in this century?
And FYI, Karens are motivated by ignorance, racism and/or entitlement, not by hormones.
Some people do call the police when they are confused I’m very educated when it comes to opportunists..
It’s not okay for people to act the way that she did. I’m glad that she is being shamed for it!
Why was this exchange immediately cut off when she makes the statement “I don’ have my insurance” – then the video abruptly cuts off with nothing else explanatory to follow – maybe she did not have her card with her? Maybe this was a borrowed car. Let’s hear the rest of the tape.
DBD is just bummed they can’t yell at people in the Gelson’s parking lot anymore now that people are filming it.
I’m a white woman. If I ever act like a karen I expect to be called a karen and I will deserve it.
I agree the woman is on camera saying that she is afraid but he is saying over and over that she is saying that he is threatening her I never heard her say that. He is getting louder and louder intimidating it is confusing here..As far as calling 911 taking up valuable time of our dispatchers many times when people call the business line they are transferred to the dispatcher. You really should hear some of the calls that go through the dispatcher..There is nothing wrong with calling the police when you are confused he was confusing her granted she could have handed over her info and things could have gone smoother it might have helped if he was alittle more understanding instead he wants to be famous on You Tube..
Roger, watch the video again. She CLEARLY says “he’s like, threatening me” at 1:10 to the police. The text on the video is likely a typo.
ok… I am a 47 year old white woman who has a couple toes touching the pool of menopause. ADDITIONALLY my name is Karen. I spell it differently, but still that would just be semantics at this point. If anyone gets an opinion about all of this “KAREN” stuff, it would be me. It really does not matter what you call someone, whether it is Karen or a-hole, it is all about the context and honestly I really do not care. If the term Karen becomes synonymous with a hysterical middle aged racist white woman who is batship cray cray, it matters to me not. Take my name, use it, I don’t care. I am who I am and I actually have a bunch of fun with it all. PLEASE do not pretend menopause doesn’t make women emotionally unstable, and for pete’s sake do not get bent out of shape if someone verbalizes that FACT. SERIOUSLY WE ALL KNOW MENO MAKES US INSANE for a minute. This lady in the video did not come across as a regular racist Karen to me. She seems like the type of Karen that would be irrational with any kind of interaction beyond her “normal”.
A-1595532373. I recommend you read the SB Independent article on donations to trump campaign. From my own experience in this town, it is full of conservatives who support trump. In fact, a person high up in the Unity Shoppe org chart is a donor this year to trump campaign. If that isn’t ironic, I don’t know what is. This lady was in the wrong. She should be calling her insurance carrier not the police
572P, if menopause makes you emotionally unstable, sorry to hear it. But don’t for a minute think you speak for all women.
Crabby Patty for the win!
What is it with entitled “scared’ Karen’s and puffer vests?!
Some weird correlation between a fear of dark skinned people and a lack of body warmth?
Let me type slowly so you can follow along. She may have door dinged him. She may be admitting she door dinged him. The damage to the mirror shown in his video, a long scrape across the entire length of the mirror, is not the kind of damage that a door ding causes. I was not there. All I’m saying is that it appears he’s blaming her for damage that may have been caused previous to her door dinging him.
PS Joe, your response is racist as you immediately question the motives of a dark skinned person to defend the white person.
This dude is being petty just trying to get clicks on the internet. What normal human would push a seemingly unstable/fragile individual like this? Let the cops show up and be done with it or stop at auto-zone and get some buffing compound.
I could not make out the word threatening but clearly heard her say she was afraid…
Ha ha. Good laugh. But I don’t think that she called 911 based on the fact that you are Mexican American. I think she called 911 because she was out of her comfort zone and couldn’t cope. She probably doesn’t have an independent bone in her body. She would probably benefit from some self-improvement courses, or not!
Probably cut it off to take a picture of the driver’s license.
DBD, petty? BIPOC deal with this kind of bullshit on the daily, even here in SB. Recording and posting a likely racial-based interaction is not petty.
CPLocal- she was the one yelling and cussing at him. He was calm the entire time. People of color have to deal with this crap all.the.time. You’re making excuses for the woman because you are not a person of color who has ever had to deal with it so it’s mind boggling to you. Any other person of color knows exactly what is going on because it happens to them every day.
“Let them douche it out.” That comment is just too too fine. This lady is upset and quite obviously has mental issues. The guy is the one bringing up race/racism. HE’S the one attributing her behavior toward his looks, his skin color. All I see is an agitated, mentally disturbed woman who fears men. I’m glad she called the police. Let them “douche it out.”
Thats funny Minibeast because all I see from your comment is a middle aged white woman deflecting from the very obvious race issue here. Why do you think he started filming in the first place? Because she said she was going to call the cops and statistically/historically that would not go well for him as police are more inclined to believe white women. If he didn’t capture this video who knows what would have happened. Minibest, check your white privilege and obvious ignorance.
I must agree with Roger. She may have overreacted but that doesn’t necessarily make her a “Karen” or racist. She may have genuinely felt threatened whether it was warranted or not. We shouldn’t be quick to judge others actions. The Latino man does not appear threatening to me but that doesn’t mean he could be perceived as threatening to another person in that situation.
DBD. Yes.
It’s hard to tell from the video…it’s obviously an incomplete picture. It could be as the guy narrates it to be or it could be something completely different that set things off. Impossible to tell. Everyone is on edge…a little bit off. We’re mid pandemic! She could of course be completely crazy/wrong. She could just be flustered post (small) accident. Maybe the guy screamed at her before. Maybe her dog died. Maybe she remembered hearing that you should call the police after an accident. It’s best to give people the benefit of the doubt…especially when the complete picture isn’t available.
Why is she afraid of him – because he’s brown? Because she asked for insurance?
Excusing racism by calling it menopause. Now I’ve seen it all.
Minibeast. No.
Is racism a mental illness now? How convenient for white people. Almost like the “Twinkie Defense” in the killing of Harvey Milk. “Let’s please excuse her behavior, she’s going through menopause and has had too much sugar.”
JUL 23, 2020 04:52 PM. Whatever you do, don’t tell my Mom and Pop I suddenly, magically switched sexes and aged 20 years. Or are you calling me way over the top in touch with my feminine side and also telling me I’m not aging well? Personal attacks are so . . . lame. (Oh, and thanks for the “Minibest,” but I prefer Minibeast.)
CPLOCAL. Astonishing how many people here on this thread don’t get that 1) The dude was filming for clicks on the internet (as DBD stated) and 2) The woman has issues. Period. She’s not “all there,” and obviously, to her, this man poses a threat just by being what he is: male——be he white, brown, black or day-glo orange.
Nah that’s not it. But I wish people of color were granted this many excuses and hypotheses as white people.
Shame on her, her behavior is ridiculous!
I hate assuming everything is racists as well. She said she was afraid of you, not why she was afraid. Perhaps it was because you’re young?
Hey, I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Unfortunately racism & stereotypes are around. For example people have called me “snowflake”, whatever that means.
Either way racism is not acceptable no matter what race you are. From white, Hispanic, black, Asian. If you make a racist remark against another race, it’s racism and unacceptable.
We need to educate all races that racism is unacceptable .
Does anyone know what happened before the video started(when she is already on the phone)? No…. Amazing at all the conclusions that can be made from an edited snippet on instagram….and give the lady a break looks like they are parked in front of COX, going to that place will make anyone go crazy.
Come on Edhat, all that is pretty uninteresting, someone here must know who she is. …… let’s give us a Google link…
Did she though? She acted irrational and off… but she didn’t actually say anything racial…
It’s really “in” right now to find Karens and racism. Hunting for these witches is great fun at the moment. True racism must be called out of course. But much is at stake by being too quick to pass judgement, and always assuming that panicked behavior is race based. A personal anecdote, my middle aged aunt was detained by sheriffs up at redrock just because a guy she knew playfully cut in front of her car. She was forced to stand in the hot sun for hours while the cop checked out everything about her and him. She was afraid and called police to see if this could be a “rogue” sheriff and if they could help. They refused saying if that sheriff was doing it it must be okay. She was very afraid for her life, as they threatened her when she wanted to get in her car or stand in the shade. Such a strange episode, one would think there was a racial aspect if one assumes white privilege always operates. But this was not my aunt who is a person of color (I have one of those), but my white aunt. And the officers were white as well.
Thank You NICKNAME I thought she had other things going on poor woman, people have turned into insensitive drones that just want to get famous anyway they can even by being mean toward others. That mirror looked like it had more than one ding in it too she could not have done all of that damage. Thank You for coming forward..
Please look at the instructions on your auto-insurance card. The recommendation from a number of insurers, and AARP, is to call 911, police, highway patrol, etc. after an accident, even if it’s minor and no one is hurt. There are a number of really good reasons to do this that have nothing to do with either of the driver’s ethnicities or behaviors.
I don’t have a strong opinion for either one of them…
She looks like a senior…I am sure a lot of folks know her.
I take care of seniors….have seen weird behavior, shopping at CVS, grocery stores, in the last few months.
A lot of women, alone, cutting lines, acting out.
This is a confusing time folks…people are starting to lose it.
Glad it was filmed though…he just asked for the insurance card…
No one should judge…
He seems reasonable and he’s not asking for anything he’s not due. She’s acting like a lunatic! She screwed up and hit his car, ok not much damage, but own up to it and exchange credentials and be done with it for gosh sake….. The Police or 911 shouldn’t be bothered with this….
NICKNAME – If she as mentally compromise as you describe perhaps she should not be driving. I hope that her doctor/psychiatrist sees the video clip.
SHOREBIRD: I hope the insurance company sees the video clip, too. Insurance fraud is illegal.
Why don’t we all reconvene with our comments after the woman’s side is heard? There may be something said or done off camera that we don’t know about. I’m not comfortable judging someone solely based on a video taken by an opposing party. Of COURSE the man seemed calm and reasonable–he knew he was on camera and was in control of which portions are seen!
A Santa Barbara Liberal white woman…LOL!
COAST – how do you know she’s liberal?
Glad this was caught on camera, who knows what this woman would have said to police and what would have happened to that poor man.
Wow Edhat going full Urban Dictionary with the Karen definition…didn’t see that coming.
Shame on her – such entitlement! I am disgusted and so done with these Karens.
Shame on her – such entitlement! I am disgusted and so done with these Karens! Thank god for cell phones – these people have been getting away with this for far too long!
Now if she was driving a Subaru, I might agree with the liberal comments haha!
Granted, this woman is reacting in quite an odd way, that’s just an individual behaving strange. Tagging her and calling her by a epitaph is wrong. How is it any different from using a racist slur? I think it Universal that we don’t call people derogatory names based of any color, race or creed.
@MP805, we suggest you click on the link and notice the website reads “”
SB1961 – calling someone “Karen” is FAR different from racial slurs. White, entitled, usually racist, women, have not been oppressed for hundreds of years after their ancestors were stolen from their home and enslaved. Calling them “Karen” is not to further oppress them, but rather to call out their immoral behavior.
Edhat you are right! I stand corrected its under the slang dictionary on
Karens in fact are midlife women hitting the emotionally unstable menopause years. They need to read a few books to understand what is hormonally happening to them, instead of having public meltdowns.
Disgusting behavior by this lady
He is being an ass, he says that she is stating to the police that she feels threatened by him when she did not say that she said she was afraid. He is manipulating her and putting words in her mouth confusing her. He is a Darren he is an Opportunist.
Since there are even fewer politically conservative women in this town than covid cases, you can make an educated guess this is a liberal. However as always, trust but verify.
Roger then why did she call the cops? Why else would she call 911 other than to report what she thinks was a dangerous situation? “Afraid” “threatened” are the same here – she call 911 because a Latino man asked for her to give her insurance info after she hit his car.
Sagepup gives a fake history lesson. “Some” white people bought slaves? Then who was doing most of the buying, martians? If you are arguing that the fact that a few black people owned slaves, and that there are still slaves in today’s world, justifies slavery, then just say that.
I am guessing that you have absolutely no bias supporting this opinion.
Roger, you’re just wrong here. Please educate yourself. You use edhat as a platform and you should be more cognizant about these issues before posting. This woman is on camera saying “i am afraid,” he didn’t put words in her mouth. Also, she called 911 taking up valuable and important time to our dispatchers who are trying to help people who REALLY need it. You of all people should know that.
These negative words like Karen, Cancel Culture, Snowflake, are just easy ways to divide us as a society. Really if we could all learn to be more courteous to each other, we would be better off. But the last few years has made this hard because of all of the assaults on decency and justice. Someone said that democracies start to disintegrate when civil discourse disappears, and this is what we are seeing now.
The way the vehicles are positioned, looks like a “door ding” situation. The damage the videographer points to is a scrape, like when the driver of that car scrapes his mirror on another object while moving. Based on the damage he shows in the video, I call BS.
From now on, if you mistreat anyone who doesn’t have the same race and sex as yourself, you are automatically a racist or a sexist. You are only allowed to mistreat people if they are the same race and sex as yourself! This is especially true for cops.
A proverbial “Karen” does not have to be a racist to be called this name. For instance, many SB residents posting on Nextdoor or this site who snitch on small businesses or retail establishments because of some minor social distancing violation would fit this description, too.
Like other posters I don’t think websites like Edhat should be posting this stuff online unless they know the entire story.
I agree 10:45. I was thinking that since neither one of them had a mask and he was demanding that she give him license etc. which would have required close contact, this might have added to her confusion and distress.
This woman shows no racism. She is distraught and cannot handle a situation that most of us could easily deal with. I would have opened my door slowly and seen whether it could have hit his mirror and if so, paid to have it fixed. But everyone handles things differently.
Given her paranoia over Latin men, I dpn’t think she falls in the Karen or liberal category. She probably imbibed Trump’s famous: “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” I’d say she’s more of a Betsy.
Fear is not a virtue.
I understand the history of racism and what experiences he may have had with small, older, white women that might bias his perspective. But he had an agenda that was obvious in his script/narration. Right off the bat he tells his potential audience that she is acting that way because of his skin color. Wow. Talk about prejudgment and cultural bias.
Yes, she could have behaved in a more calm manner.
As an older woman myself, I would be concerned about a man much bigger than I, approaching me WITHOUT A MASK, narrating while filming. I would back up away from him as well.
Nothing good has come out of the young man publicizing this minor incident. Instead, petty shaming and more divisiveness.
LCP112233 – the Subaru thing was a lighthearted joke. But yeah, I see how even a little humor is troublesome these days.
What rubbish! Assuming this woman is a liberal. Not only is this town chock FULL of wealthy conservatives, but this isn’t liberal behavior. Liberals are the ones fighting against this behavior, which has come seeping up through the woodwork during this administration because Trump makes racists feel much more comfortable and secure spouting their hatred. So much hate on the internet, mostly fueled by the far right.
Amen, Pitmix. What we are seeing these days is public hatred and indecency everywhere. Rampant racism and “otherness” blatantly and unabashedly fueled by the Trump administration. People feel comfortable spewing hate and ugliness out behind a screen and say things they would NEVER say to a real live person. It’s a shame and a real statement about where we are heading as a society, a people, a country. I’m praying this all turns around at the ballot box. VOTE THEM OUT.
Again, Crabby Patty says what I was thinking. Thank you. Don’t blame anything on hormones. More sexist bs.
Maybe he was calm, but he was pointing his camera phone at here and filming her. Who wants to be filmed in a crappy situation like this? Not me! Put that away. He did it for the clicks and she was just unhinged. I see both sides of this though, she’s clearly mentally ill, and although I am not a POC, I can understand how a lifetime of racism and poor treatment could make a POC feel like he felt that day.
She needs meds
This guy just openned up a can of batshit crazy for what, a scratch on his Nissan?
The camera was started at a convenient time , and under the control of this guy who is pushing his side of the story only. What happened before? Sorry but, there are always 3 sides to a story. Not fair to post this without the lady’s side of the story. Maybe she has an anxiety disorder, maybe he did/said something that made her feel threatened. People are on edge these days. When are we going to hear from her?
That may be AARP’s advice. But not necessarily the police force’s advice (barring injuries or other extenuating circumstances). Last accident I had was 25 years ago in Los Angeles. Major damage to the cat I hit. LAPD dispatch was totally unwilling to send an officer to the scene unless there were serious injuries. Local station offered to set me up with an appointment with a detective assistant at the station the following month to file the legally required report. Even my own insurance company wasn’t willing to get involved since the damages to my car were less than my deductible. So no, calling the cops for a routine fender bender is not necessarily the best thing to do.