UCLA Health Opens in Montecito

By edhat staff

UC Los Angeles (UCLA) has opened a primary care health center on Coast Village Road in Montecito.

Located at 1187 Coast Village Road, the office currently specializes in internal medicine and plans to expand to specialty cardiology care later this year.

The office is currently open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and patients are allowed to make appoints on their website.

Amanda Scott, MD and Dennis Hughes, MD, both internists, are the two doctors running the facility. Dr. Scott completed her Internal Medicine residency training at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. Before joining UCLA Health, she spent over six years at a tribal clinic in Santa Ynez, working for over three years there as the medical director.

Dr. Hughes completed his medical training at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, where he practiced for several years. He moved to San Francisco in 2007 and worked nearby on the peninsula before joining UCLA Health in 2020. 

UCLA Health is also expected to open a cancer center focused on hematology and oncology with infusion in Santa Barbara early next year.

More information on the new health center can be found here: https://www.uclahealth.org/montecito/

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. Hmmmm …county spending millions to rent the old Sears Bldg to transform it into a back-up covid care surge center. So the county invests our tax dollars turning Sears into a temporary medical facility, then later Kaiser swoops in and buys it up for themselves and establishes a foot print locally?

  2. Read the story: These doctors are not “Bruins”. UCLA has abased itself in chasing money in the medical field for decades. Their staff has sold private medical information and organs of patients. The set up their facilities in luxe parts of LA (Harbor UCLA existed much before this current crap and was an actual teaching outreach into blue collar LA). Now they choose Montecito? I thought a state funded institution like UCLA would care for the community, not just the celebrity rich.

  3. Sources and citations, please. I was shocked to hear this. Then I thought, maybe it will be easier for the number of residents who end up there anyway. Like my mom did for orthopedic neck & neuro surgery. Eh. Sure, I’m a supporter of national health care. But we have to care for people today. Hope I don’t have to think about accessing them. Most important, support end of life planning!

  4. Nothing new: Why do places like Beverly Hills and Santa Monica and Silicon Valley have the highest ratio of doctors to population? Follow the money. For most in the medical field it is not so much about care for others as care for yourself.

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